CDS 2 2014 cut off marks

CDS 2 2104 was held on 26th October 2014. The result for this exam will be released in January c2015. CDSE exam consists of three...

CDS 2 2104 was held on 26th October 2014. The result for this exam will be released in January c2015. CDSE exam consists of three separate papers English, Mathematics and General ability paper. Each exam is held for a period of 2 hours.

A candidate has to clear both paper wise cut off as well as over all cut of marks in order to pass this exam.

Expected CDS 2 2014 Cut off marks for IMA : 105 to 110.

Expected CDS 2 2014 Cut off marks for INA:  100 to 106

Expected CDS 2 2014 Cut off marks for AFA: 125 to 130

Minimum paper wise cut off is expected to be around 18%. That is 18 marks.

Below given chart will show you the cut off of marks of few previous CDSE exams.

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CDS cut off marks

As you can see the paper wise cut off as well as the over all aggregate cut off changes with every CDSE exam. This cutoff depends on the quality of the CDSE paper. If the paper is tough, Cut off goes down.

CDS 2 2014 paper was tough when compared to CDS 1 2014 and hence the cut off marks are expected to go down.

Expected CDS 2 2014 Cut off mark for OTA (Men): 72 to 75 marks.

Expected CDS 2 2014 Cut off marks for OTA (Men): 74 to 76 marks.

CDSE 2 2014 paper had lots of questions related to current affair and economics. From the feedback that we got from candidates, General ability paper of CDSE 2 2014 was harder when compared to the CDSE 1 2014 paper, so in a sense Cut off can go as low as 15% which means that you can pass even if you have scored 15 marks in one of the paper, hence it is very important that you attempt only those questions in general ability paper or other papers which you are confident in as negative marks can really decrease your score. Best way to pass CDS exam is to attempt only those questions which you are confident of.

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