CDS 2 2106 was held on Sunday, Oct 23rd 2016. The result for this exam will be released in January 2016. CDSE exam consists of three separate papers English, Mathematics and General ability paper. Each exam is held for a period of 2 hours. A candidate has to clear both paper wise cut off as well as over all cut of marks in order to pass this exam. The average minimum sectional cut off can be said some where around 37-40 percent of the maximum marks.
Maximum Marks for CDS Exam and SSB Interview:
CDS 2 2016 exam cut off marks Written Examination | ||
(a) For Indian Military Academy Naval Academy and Air Force Academy |
1. English (Objective type) | 100 Marks |
2. General Knowledge (Objective type) |
100 Marks | |
3. Elementary Mathematics (Objective type) | 100 Marks | |
Total | 300 Marks | |
(b) For Officers’ Training Academy | 1. English (Objective type) | 100 Marks |
2. General Knowledge (Objective type) | 100 Marks | |
Total | 200 Marks | |
CDS exam cut off marks for SSB Interviews | ||
IMA, NA and AFA | 300 marks | |
OTA | 200 Marks |
CDS 2 2016 Exam Cut Off Marks
As per the notice announced that the result of CDS 2 2016 will be declared in Jan 2016 and it will be shown on the official website of UPSC. You can check it on the online, UPSC will not send any type of letter to invite that you are selected or not, so you can check the official website daily.
CDS 2 2016 Cut Off Marks [Expected]
S.No | Academy | Expected Cut Off 2016 |
1 | OTA (Women) | 78 |
2 | OTA (Men) | 78 |
3 | IMA | 99 |
4 | INA | 99 |
5 | AFA | 129 |
Following table shows the cut off marks of CDSE 2013 -2.
One can see cds exam cut off marks for IMA, INA, AFA, OTA
IMA and INA have the same cut off marks of 111 that is 37% [of 300] . Candidates who are interested in joining air force academy will have have to be a little better than the average as one can clearly see that the marks obtained by the last candidate who qualified for AFA is 135, that is 45% [of 300] which is 8% more marks than the last qualified candidate of IMA and INA.
Total marks in CDS for IMA, INA and AFA is 300. 100 marks for G.K, 100 for English and 100 for Mathematics.
Therefore to be be on safe side one must score around 50% marks in CDS as these cut off marks change every year.
Paper wise cut off in CDS
Other than the total cut of marks as seen seen above, a candidate also has to score a certain minimum qualifying mark or sectional cut off mark in each paper of CDS Exam. As one can see, it is 20% for CDSE 2013-2, so one has to score at least 20 marks in each of the three papers. CDSE aspirant should make sure that they prepares for all the three paper equally. Ignoring any one of three subjects can lead to failure in exam.
GK paper is little tough and a thorough practice is required. Most aspirants who fail to pass in CDS exam is because of GK paper. It is easier to get sectional cut off marks in maths and English.
Cut off marks for OTA
Candidates who opt OTA in CDS don’t have Mathematics paper, they write only G.K and English papers.
Cut off marks for OTA is 76 that is 38% [of 200 marks] plus cut off marks for each paper is 20%.
CDS 2013-1 cut off marks
The above table shows 2013-1 cut off marks, as you can see cut of marks for 2013-1 are lower when compared to 2013-2.
Sectional cut of marks of CDSE 2013-1 is 15% compared to the 20% of CDSE 2013-2.
CDS exam cut off marks depend on the quality of paper as well as the quality of students attempting the exam.
To be on the safe side, all CDSE aspirants should try for 50% marks in this examination. and Candidate aspiring for AFA should work extra hard.
38 thoughts on “CDS 2 2016 Cut Off Marks [Expected]”
Hello sir/ma’am
I had given Service preference AFA IMA INA OTA for cdse 2 2017.if i don’t clear the cut mark for AFA will i get call for IMA or OTA ?? What are the chances?
if i don’t perform good in maths, but score marks in eng and gk
will i get call from OTA??
Sir i have
Total for IMA-93 & OTA-81
It depends on the preference i feel. Rest you will clear your OTA cut marks for sure but i am not sure if u have opted it as ur 4th preference then u need to chek it out. Next week results are going to be announced 100%.
if i does not perform good in maths, but score marks in eng and gk
will i get call from OTA??
Sir i have
Total for IMA-93 & OTA-81
sir my estimated score is around 90 including eng and gk please tell my chances for ota
sir my estimated score is around 90 including eng and gk please reply my chances for selection
Sir my gk 58 maths 72 and eng 64
any chances for me plz tell me sir
my preference is airforce and army
sir …my score is 25.6 in G.K. and 57.8 in english for OTA(women). what are my chances?
Subject to a minimum of 20% in each paper. (cds )
what is the meaning of that line.
It is the minimum passing marks you need to score (not same as cut off)
It means you need to get atleast 20 % in all the papers…for example if the cut off marks for OTA is 79 n if you are scoring all 79 only in English thn your name won’t be there in merit list coz you got all the marks in English only,you have to get atleast 20 marks in GK also coz 20% of 100 is 20.
I hope you understood.
Geting 59 in English and 37 in GS. Only preferance OTA. What are my chances?
Sir minimum cutt off kya h cds exam ki
sir my english marks is approx. 52.50 and G.S. marks is approx. 21……. any chances???????
My English mark is 46 gs mark is 33 please tell me what r my chance.
i reckon G.k paper was little tough this time especially for candidates from science stream… there were less questions from science this time and had more of current affairs. even questions from history was less…
what if my overall marks are 135 but in Gk i am hardly getting 17 marks :((((((
do I have any chance?????????? I am expecting sectional cutoff to come down ………..
My score is 58,26,26.
anyone can tell My chances?
marks eng 62.13 maths 23.4 gk 33.32.. is it good
Yes atleast you can clear OTA.
by when the written result for CDS 2 may come ..?? any guesses plzz …
December Last Week Most Probably.
First week of February
Sir my score is 72 in eng, 24 in gs, and 22 in maths. Any chances ?
sir i scored 58 in eng 47 in gk what is cut of for ota gs was just based on news paper with traditional touch of subject as every question has some link to news recently appeared look closely if your fan of indian express pattern will emerge
Thnks for Info
sir i scored 58 in eng 47 in gk what are chances for ota
my cds 2 score are as :- eng-64, maths-60, g.k- 15 …any hope?
Minimum passing mark is 20 percent of total score of each section individually.
Mine are Eng – 75, G.k – 19 , math- 38. Any chances?
GK may effect the result but there are chances, you have to just wait and see.
the GK paper was so tough .. everyone was flabbergasted 😀
Same expressions every where.
Hello sir…my score is 19.5,61,32 marks in g.s, english, maths respectively..what are my chances? Plz reply as soon as possible…thank you
Mine are 60 , 19.8 in eng and GS for ota(women) any chances?
minimum passing marks for any section of CDS exam is 20 percent of the total marks, after that cut off marks comes in the play.
Sir in attendace sheet i forgot to darken the column of paper set would it leads to rejection of my copy