CDS 2 2015 Result Declared, SSB Dates and Merit List

UPSC conducted the Combined Defence Service exam twice every year, CDS exam of II phase which was held on 1st November 2015, in this many...

CDS 2 2015 Result, SSB Dates and Merit List

UPSC conducted the Combined Defence Service exam twice every year, CDS exam of II phase which was held on 1st November 2015, in this many eligible and interested candidates has appeared on that day and successfully given their exam.

UPSC Has Relesed CDS 2 2015 Result on 12th Feb 2016 / Chck UPSC Website

CDS 2 2015 Result, SSB Dates and Merit List

UPSC CDS 2 2015 Result

CDS 2 2015 result of written exam which is conducted on 1st November is released by UPSC . UPSC has published a list of roll numbers of successful candidates for IMA, AFA, NA and OTA. Few candidates will see their roll number in more than one services for say IMA and AFA. Please be advised, if you clear the CDS 2 2015 written exam for both IMA and AFA (for example), you will only be called for one SSB interview for the service which you have preferred to be the first.

UPSC CDS 2 2015 SSB Dates

Once UPSC published the list of successful candidates, Indian army, air force and navy will publish the SSB interview dates for IMA, AFA, OTA and NA on their respective career website. SSB interviews of CDS 2 2015 will start one month after the date of result of written exam.

UPSC CDS 2 2015 Merit List

Once the SSB interviews are over, UPSC will publish the list of candidates who have cleared the SSB and AFSB interview. UPSC will not publish the result of medical test of recommended candidates, so the list which is published by UPSC will consists of roll numbers of unfit candidates as well. To check the final merit list of CDS 2 2015 candidates have to check the official website of the respective services.

CDS 2 2015 Course List

  • IMA 141
  • Flying Course 200/16 F/PC Course AFA
  • 104th SSC Men OTA
  • 18 SSC Women OTA
  • INA Executive (Hydro/ General Service) INA


Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

54 thoughts on “CDS 2 2015 Result Declared, SSB Dates and Merit List”

  1. Sir my name is vidya my roll no 0149878 plz sir check result and replay.kub lagega cds ll second round result 2015 Exam ka.

  2. good afternoon s/m
    i dont know my roll no. which from that i dont know this that i am pass or not but i know my registration no.11536898990 and if i am select then contact me on my mail thanks.

  3. sir, i have cleared cds 2 2015 exam for ota. it was written in the result that we have to submit some documents at army headquarter, delhi before 13th may.. i haven’t got my call letter yet.. then how will i submit it?

  4. If i am getting 80 in english…around 15in gk….will i get qualified for ota?…..when the results of cds 2 2015 is expected to ne declared

  5. cds interview has started.. For Bangalore board.. Probably when will it be over … It’s been more than five days my brother has gone through for ssb interview.. No cell phones are, little worried as I haven’t heard any news from him
    Asutosh ??

    • Dont Worry, wait for one or two days, it take four more days after the screening test to get the result, after that if he clears the ssb interview it will take another long stay for medical examination. Your brother can contact you on the fifth day after the result is declared.

    • Reservation relaxation is given on age and registration fees nut not vacancy so you have to score the general cut off marks same for every body.

  6. If my first prefernce is Ima ..nd im not reaching the sectional cutoff in maths i.e 20 bt scoring well in the other two..will i be able to clear the exam?

  7. if I clear the OTA cut off but fail to clear the cut off of IMA which is my first preference am i going to selected for OTA ssb?


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