CDS & AFCAT 1 2024 Exam Maths Live – Ratio & Proportion – Class 1

Preparing for exams like AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) and CDS (Combined Defence Services) demands a comprehensive understanding of various mathematical concepts. Among these,...

Preparing for exams like AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) and CDS (Combined Defence Services) demands a comprehensive understanding of various mathematical concepts. Among these, Ratio and Proportion stand as fundamental pillars. In this article, we will delve into a live class that extensively covered crucial concepts related to Ratio and Proportion in Class 1. This class aims to equip aspirants with the knowledge and skills essential for excelling in the upcoming AFCAT and CDS 1 2024 exams.

The Foundation: Understanding Ratios

Unveiling the Definition of Ratio

The live class commenced by establishing a solid understanding of what a ratio is. A ratio represents a quantitative relationship between two numbers, showcasing how many times one quantity is contained within another.

Exploring Ratio Properties

Understanding Ratio Properties

In this live class, participants were taught the fundamental properties of ratios. Understanding these properties is crucial for effectively manipulating ratios and solving related problems.

Types of Ratios

Delving into Various Types of Ratios

The class proceeded to introduce the different types of ratios. This included simple ratios, compound ratios, continued ratios, and more. Grasping the distinctions among these types is vital for tackling a variety of problems.

Applying Ratio Concepts: Componendo and Alternendo

Leveraging Componendo and Alternendo

Componendo and Alternendo are techniques used to solve proportion-related problems. The class provided detailed insights into how these methods can be effectively applied to simplify and solve complex problems involving ratios.

Exploring Invertendo and Dividendo

Mastering Invertendo and Dividendo

Invertendo and Dividendo are additional techniques used to solve problems related to ratios and proportions. Understanding when and how to use these techniques is crucial in effectively solving a wide range of problems in this domain.

Understanding Partnership

Navigating the World of Partnership

Partnership, a significant application of ratios, was thoroughly covered in this live class. Participants learned how ratios play a key role in understanding the distribution of profits and losses among partners.

Grasping Proportion and Its Properties

Unveiling Proportion and Its Properties

Proportion is a fundamental concept in mathematics that plays a crucial role in various real-life scenarios. The class provided a comprehensive understanding of proportion and its properties, setting the foundation for solving proportion-related problems.


Preparation for the AFCAT and CDS 1 2024 exams demands a strong grasp of mathematical concepts, particularly focusing on Ratio and Proportion. This article has shed light on a live class dedicated to mastering these crucial concepts, specifically in Class 1.

Understanding the definition and properties of ratios, various types of ratios, and essential techniques like componendo, alternendo, invertendo, and dividendo are foundational. Moreover, comprehending how ratios extend to concepts like partnership and proportion is vital for approaching problems in the AFCAT and CDS 1 2024 exams with confidence.

The live class discussed herein, enriched with detailed explanations and problem-solving approaches, is a valuable resource for aspirants. It equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills to confidently tackle questions related to Ratio and Proportion in the AFCAT and CDS 1 2024 exams. The knowledge gained from this class, coupled with consistent practice and a problem-solving mindset, will undoubtedly pave the way for success in these critical examinations.

Picture of Ayush Kumar

Ayush Kumar

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