CDS Exam GK Study Plan [50 Days]

50 Days Study Plan to Crack General Knowledge Paper of CDS Exam Important Points to remember: Always make notes in a separate dedicated notebook. Remember,...

50 Days Study Plan to Crack General Knowledge Paper of CDS Exam

Important Points to remember:

  1. Always make notes in a separate dedicated notebook.
  2. Remember, here, the number of hours include all kinds of preparation. Not just reading but also solving and practicing few sets of questions in it too.
  3. Always use maps that you get in your nearest stationery while you are trying to remember the Geography related lessons. It will be of great help.
  4. Avoid large numerical problems. Restrict yourself for basic information and complete conceptual analysis. However, formulae are all important.
  5. Once a topic is done, do keep sets of copies of all the preparatory notes at a separate place. Once every six days, gift yourself some free time if you think you really worked hard.
  6. Use NCERT books and SSBCrack Books as your reference to cover the main things.
  7. Remember, do not stress yourself. Keep interest.
  8. You can follow this plan and always get back to us at [email protected] if you are facing any problems or are having ambiguity.

Components of CDS General Knowledge Paper Syllabus:

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology
  4. Geography
  5. History
  6. Indian Polity
  7. Economics
  8. Static General Knowledge
  9. Defence Specific Related
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Take a print of this and maintain this routine.

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No. Subject Number of Days Days chronology
1. Physics 06 01 – 06
2. Chemistry 06 07 – 12
3. Biology 06 13 – 18
4. Geography 07 19 – 25
5. History 07 26 – 32
6. Polity 07 33 – 39
7. Economics 04 40 – 43
8. Static GK 04 44 – 47
9. Defence Specific 01 48
10. Mock Tests 02 49 – 50
11. Current Affairs Daily Daily
  TOTAL 50  

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Jai Hind!

Picture of Hemanth Kasturi

Hemanth Kasturi

General Studies Tutor at SSBCrackExams, Graduate in Aeronautical Engineering, Cleared NDA, CDS, INET, AFCAT exams.

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