SSBCrackExams has Re-defined the CDS Exam OTA preparation strategies by originating a highly thriving mock test series that combines learning with test-taking by providing the CDS Exam OTA mock test is to build The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam like environment, you will find a similar exam experience here which will help you to perform better during the actual CDS Exam OTA mock test.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is going to conduct Combined Defence Services for Officers Training Academy (CDS OTA) 1 2021 Exam on 7th Februray, 2021. As the dates suggest, the time that will change your destiny is not far away. CDS OTA is your chance to get into the Indian Army and you must give your best in the exam. A solid and foolproof preparation is what you need to achieve your dream. SSBCrackExams is giving away CDS OTA Exam Mock Tests Series FREE for all CDS OTA aspirants for your endless practice and confidence boost-up in the actual CDS OTA examination!
As you all know, the only way to check where you stand in the level of performance and probable scoring in the CDS OTA exam is to take the mock tests. As CDS OTA is comparatively one of the toughest exams to crack, the aspirants who are appearing in the CDS OTA exam for the first time need absolute confidence, complete knowledge and a hands-on practice with the CDS OTA testing procedure to avoid any kind of mistakes in the actual exam scenario.
Mock Test is the only way in which an aspirant can get a complete self-evaluation and understanding of his/her own progress and performance level for the exam. Mock Tests help the candidates to comprehend the question pattern and importance of the exam and even guide them to design and devise a clever strategy to use in the real exam to solve questions quickly, easily and correctly. Timed mock tests further build up a student’s sense of time management and tremendously help him/her to solve questions in the actual exam within the stipulated time frame.
CDS OTA Mock Test Series have been very meticulously designed by the top-notch experienced tutors and defence examination experts of SSBCrackExams to provide all the trending and CDS OTA syllabus-oriented probable and important questions with detailed answers and explanations for CDS OTA papers alongwith the real time CDS OTA exam experience with timed tests and Instant Analytical Reports with All India Ranking leaderboards for the candidates to check out their performance level and brush up their weaker sections with further revisions and practice. SSBCrackExams CDS OTA Mock Test Series consists of 10 sets of CDS OTA test papers with the most specific questions from English and General Knowledge sections, solving which will help to bring out the best in you, by making you stronger and more confident of yourself before you sit for the actual CDS OTA exam.
We understand the exam fear in you and thus attempt to end it by giving away Free Mock Tests for all CDS OTA aspirants across the country. So, what are you waiting for? Download our SSBCrackExams android app on your mobile or visit us at SSBCRACKEXAMS, enroll to our CDS OTA course for free and attempt our exclusively designed CDS OTA Exam Mock Test Series.
Why take CDS OTA 2020-2021 Mock Tests Series?
Practice and a clear and deep understanding of important concepts in CDS OTA are the only ways to score the highest in this exam. As CDS OTA is an examination conducted by the UPSC, the questions that come in this exam is not easy to solve without a solid and thorough preparation for the exam. Further, the aspirants who are appearing in the CDS OTA exam for the first time need absolute confidence, complete knowledge and a hands-on practice with the CDS OTA testing procedure to avoid any kind of mistakes in the actual CDS OTA examination. Mock Test is the only way in which an aspirant can get a complete self-evaluation and understanding of his own progress and performance level for the exam. Mock Tests help the students to comprehend the question pattern and topic-wise question importance of the exam and even guide them to design and devise a clever strategy to use in the real exam to solve questions within a stipulated time frame.
What is so special about SSBCrackExams CDS OTA 2020-2021 Mock Test Series?
- Full CDS OTA exam syllabus coverage
- Contains 20 sets of Mock Tests with a total of 2400 probable questions from English and General Knowledge Papers.
- Meticulously designed by the top-notch experienced tutors and defence examination experts of SSBCrackExams
- As per the recent trends and question pattern, CDS OTA 2020-2021 Mock Test Series contain important questions with detailed answers and explanations for conceptual understanding and practice.
- Timed Mock Tests alongwith the real time CDS OTA exam experience for proper time management and confidence boost-up for the real CDS OTA exam scenario.
- Instant Analytical Reports with Heat Charts, Time Scales, Comparison Graphs, All India Ranking leaderboards for the candidates to check out their performance level and brush up their weaker sections with further revisions and practice.
- Interactive discussion panels with SSBCrackExams Faculty members regarding doubt clearing and Q&A explanations
What is CDS Exam OTA?
- It is written test conducted by UPSC two times every year for entries into these academies. CDS OTA written exam has two different tests namely English and General Knowledge.
- Notification Month of this Exam: March (CDS II) and August (CDS I)
- Examination Conducted in the months of February (CDS I) and August (CDS II).
Age Limit & Educational Qualification
- Candidate must be a Graduate in any Indian Recognized University or equivalent and must be of 19-25 Years of age.
CDS OTA Entries
The Officers’ Training Academy (OTA)
- Training establishment of the Indian Army that train officers for the Short Service Commission (SSC).
- Course duration: 49 weeks course
- OTA prepares graduates for all branches of the Army, except for the Army Medical Corps (AMC).
- Motto of OTA: “Serve With Honour”
- The SSC Short Service commission officer’s tenure is 10+4 years (i.e. a compulsory 10 years of service and 4 years as extension).
- After the completion of this tenure the officers can either opt for a Permanent commission (which will be given only based upon the performance seen by confidential reports, etc.) or can opt out of the Indian Army.
- The ex NDA and CTW officers have a slight edge over their SSC counterparts in courses owing to the fact that they have trained three years more than the SSC entries.
- You can convert from a short service commission to a permanent commission, however the vice versa is not possible.
When and who conducts CDS Exam OTA?
Combined Defence Services – Officers’ Training Academy Exam is a national level exam organized by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) to recruit candidates for Officers Training Academy. CDS OTA Exam is held two times in a year through offline mode (written test).

Stage I – CDS – OTA Written Examination
- Mode: Offline Examination.
- Conducted By: UPSC (Twice a year).
- Scheme: 2 Papers

CDS Exam OTA Written Examination Marking Scheme

- The papers in all the subjects will consist of OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS only.
- The question paper (Test Booklet) of General Knowledge will be set bilingually in Hindi as well as English.
- Candidates must write the papers in their own hand. In no circumstances will they be allowed the help of a scribe to write answers for them.
- The Commission have discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects at the examination.
- Use of calculator or Mathematical or logarithmic table is prohibited.
All the best and Jai Hind!
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Date for this mock test?