CDS 1 2022 Exam Syllabus

CDS Exam is also known as the Combined Defence Services Examination, one of the most popular defence exams in the country and it is conducted by UPSC...

CDS Exam is also known as the Combined Defence Services Examination, one of the most popular defence exams in the country and it is conducted by UPSC twice every year. As the name suggests, it is a combined exam for Army, Navy, and Air force. Male candidates can join the Army, Navy, and Air force through IMA, OTA, INA, and AFA respectively. Women candidates can only apply for the Indian Army through the CDS exam and join the OTA Chennai.

Many aspirants are looking forward to the CDS 1 2022 Notification and Exam Date, in this article we are going to share the tentative dates and some important things which are important for both male and female CDS Aspirants who are preparing for the CDS 2022 Examination.

Prepare for the CDS Exam 2022:

What is CDS Exam?

  • It is written test conducted by UPSC two times every year for entries into these academies. CDS written exam has three different tests namely English, General Knowledge and Mathematics.
  • Notification Month of this Exam: March (CDS II) and August (CDS I)
  • Examination Conducted in the months of February (CDS I) and August (CDS II).
  • The CDS Exam Syllabus Details will give detailed information regarding the subjects as given below

CDS Exam Syllabus Details:

Paper 1: English

The objective type question paper is designed to examine the understanding of English of the applicants. English question paper of CDS Exam includes passage for answering few questions related to that passage.

CDS English Syllabus consists of :

  • Spotting of Errors
  • Antonyms
  • Synonyms
  • Vocabulary (Idioms & Phrases)
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Sentence Completion (Fill in the blanks & Cloze Test)
  • Ordering of Words & Sentences
  • Comprehension
  • Active – Passive Voice
  • Direct – Indirect Speech or Reported Speech
  • One Word Substitution
  • Parts of Speech
  • Spelling
  • Transformation

Paper 2: General Knowledge

General Knowledge question paper in CDS examination includes knowledge of current topics and of matters which are observing every day. The aspirants must be able to answer scientific aspects without any particular scientific study. They should have knowledge of History of India and Geographical issues without any specific study. The applicants must be able to answer these general knowledge questions to pass this test.

Components of CDS General Knowledge Syllabus

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Indian Polity
  • History
  • Geography
  • Economics
  • Defence Specific
  • Current Affairs & Static GK

Paper 3: Elementary Mathematics

The objective type question paper includes various topics of elementary mathematics. Candidates should have posses knowledge about these topics. There are lots of topics to cover which are as following:

  • Arithmetic: Aspirants need to perform well in arithmetic which includes Number System, Fundamental Operations, Unitary Methods, and Elementary Number Theorems etc.
  • Algebra: The applicants should able to solve basic operations, Remainder Theorem, Quadratic Equations, Linear equations and practical problems etc.
  • Geometry: The candidates should able to answer geometric questions which contain Lines and angles, plane and plane figures and their related questions.
  • Trigonometry: The applicants need to know the values of Sine x, cosine x and tangent x.
  • Mensuration: The all candidates applying for the test should have knowledge of calculating areas of squares, rectangles, triangles, circles and parallelograms etc.
  • Statistics: Everyone needs to know the collection and tabulation of data, histograms, pie and bar charts etc.

All these above mentioned fields have been included in the mathematics question paper so the aspirants must have good knowledge in elementary mathematics. The candidates need to be good in calculation and more basic operations so that they can perform well in the examination.

Note: The eligible candidates need to pass individually in all tests for clearing the CDS exam. Candidates can Download Our App and Enroll CDS Exam Online Course by clicking here. The syllabus contains all necessary topics which are appropriate to check your efficiency in all subjects as per exam syllabus.

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