CDS Selection Process 2024: Written Test, SSB Interview For CDS 1, CDS 2

The Combined Defence Services (CDS) examination is a gateway for individuals aspiring to serve the nation by joining the esteemed Indian Army, Navy, and Air...

CDS Selection Process

The Combined Defence Services (CDS) examination is a gateway for individuals aspiring to serve the nation by joining the esteemed Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force as officers. Conducted biannually by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the CDS Selection Process 2024 comprises three pivotal stages: the Written Examination, the SSB Interview, and the Medical Test. This detailed article delves into each stage of the CDS selection process, elucidating the examination pattern, interview structure, and disqualification criteria.

CDS Cadet

Overview of CDS Selection Process 2024

The CDS Selection Process is a meticulous evaluation designed to assess candidates’ cognitive abilities, personality traits, and medical fitness. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of each stage of the selection process:

1. Written Test

The Written Examination serves as the initial stage of the CDS Selection Process, evaluating candidates’ cognitive and logical reasoning skills. The examination pattern varies based on the academy candidates aspire to join:

CDS Exam Pattern 2024:

For Admission to the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, and Air Force Academy.

SubjectDurationMaximum Marks
English2 Hours100
General Knowledge2 Hours100
Mathematics2 Hours100
SSB Test/Interview5 Days300

For Admission to Officers’ Training Academy:

SubjectDurationMaximum Marks
English2 Hours100
General Knowledge2 Hours100
SSB Test/Interview5 Days300

Candidates are awarded one mark for each correct answer, with a penalty of 0.33 marks for each incorrect answer.


2. SSB Interview

Candidates who qualify in the Written Examination proceed to the next stage: the Service Selection Board (SSB) Interview. The SSB Interview is a comprehensive assessment of candidates’ intelligence, personality, and leadership potential. It comprises two distinct stages:

Stage I:

  • Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR)
  • Picture Perception and Description Test (PP & DT)

Stage II:

  • Psychological Tests: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Word Association Test (WAT), Situation Reaction Test (SRT), Self-Description Test (SDT)
  • Group Testing: Group Discussion, Group Planning Exercise, Progressive Group Tasks (PGT), Command Task, etc.
  • Personal Interview
  • Conference

The SSB Interview spans over five days and is conducted at designated SSB Centers across India.
SSB Interview Study Material

3. Medical Examination

Candidates recommended by the SSB undergo a thorough Medical Examination to ensure they meet the physical and mental standards required for commissioning into the armed forces. The Medical Examination evaluates candidates’ fitness for performing military duties in various environments and conditions.

CDS Medical Examination

Final Merit List

The Final Merit List is prepared based on candidates’ performance in the Written Examination, SSB Interview, and Medical Examination. Individuals who secure a position on the Merit List become eligible for further selection and training, paving their way to becoming officers in the Indian Armed Forces.

Disqualification Criteria

Certain criteria may lead to disqualification from the CDS Selection Process, including previous termination from prestigious institutions and lack of officer-like qualities.


The CDS Selection Process 2024 is a rigorous evaluation aimed at identifying individuals with the necessary attributes and qualities to serve as officers in the Indian Armed Forces. Aspiring candidates must prepare diligently for each stage of the selection process to maximize their chances of success and contribute to the defense and security of the nation. Through dedication, perseverance, and commitment, individuals can embark on a fulfilling journey of service and honor in the armed forces.


1. What is the CDS Selection Process 2024?

The CDS Selection Process 2024 comprises three stages: the Written Examination, the Service Selection Board (SSB) Interview, and the Medical Examination.

2. What is the eligibility criteria for appearing in the CDS Examination?

Candidates must meet specific eligibility criteria related to nationality, age, educational qualifications, and physical standards as prescribed by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).

3. What is the examination pattern for the Written Test of CDS 1 and CDS 2?

The examination pattern varies based on the academy candidates aspire to join. For admission to the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, and Air Force Academy, candidates are tested in English, General Knowledge, Mathematics, and undergo the SSB Interview. For Officers’ Training Academy, the examination includes English, General Knowledge, and the SSB Interview.

4. What is the duration of the SSB Interview?

The SSB Interview spans over five days and involves a comprehensive assessment of candidates’ intelligence, personality, and leadership potential through various tests and exercises.

5. How are candidates selected for the Medical Examination?

Candidates recommended by the SSB Interview undergo a thorough Medical Examination to ensure they meet the physical and mental standards required for commissioning into the armed forces.

6. How is the final merit list prepared for CDS 2024?

The final merit list is prepared based on candidates’ performance in the Written Examination, SSB Interview, and Medical Examination. Candidates who feature in the merit list become eligible for further selection and training.

7. What are the disqualification criteria for the CDS Selection Process 2024?

Disqualification criteria may include previous termination from prestigious institutions, lack of officer-like qualities, and withdrawal from training programs due to insufficient officer-like skills.

8. Can candidates apply for both CDS 1 and CDS 2 examinations in the same year?

Yes, candidates can apply for both CDS 1 and CDS 2 examinations in the same year, provided they meet the eligibility criteria and adhere to the application deadlines.

9. How should candidates prepare for the CDS Examination and SSB Interview?

Candidates should adopt a comprehensive preparation strategy encompassing syllabus coverage, regular practice, mock tests, physical fitness training, and development of officer-like qualities for the SSB Interview.

10. Where can candidates find more information about the CDS Selection Process 2024?

Candidates can refer to the official notifications, examination guidelines, and UPSC website for detailed information regarding the CDS Selection Process 2024.

Picture of Gauri Agarwal

Gauri Agarwal

Dynamic HR and Content Head at SSBCrackExams. A seasoned defense enthusiast learning military strategies and technologies.

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