How to Clear CDS 2 2016 SSB Interview Screening Test PPDT

CDS 2 2016 SSB Interview will consist of 2 stages, first stage is called as screening test and second stage which consists of 3 important...

CDS 2 2016 SSB Interview will consist of 2 stages, first stage is called as screening test and second stage which consists of 3 important tests known as Psychology test, Group Testing Officers (GTO) Test and personal interview. Screening test is a difficult test because of the competition level, screening test result is on the basis of your Officer Intelligence Rating [OIR] test and PPDT [Picture Perception and Discussion test].

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How to Clear CDS 2 2016 SSB Interview Screening Test PPDT


PPDT is short of picture perception and description test, candidates will be shown a random picture on which candidates have to write a story in a brief amount of time then each candidate have to take part in a group discussion with fellow candidates where they have to discuss their stories with each other and in conclusion they have to decide whose story was the best.

In PPDT a candidate’s narrative capability is put under test along with his communication skill, technically it doesn’t matter in what language he his speaking (English or Hindi) but how better he is speaking. A candidate has to show the properties of an efficient speaker in a group.

What is Group Discussion in PPDT

As soon as the candidates have completed their story they are formed in group of 12 to 14 members then the GD starts. Description test has two parts – first is individual narration where a candidate will tell his/her story to every group member and second is group discussion that is conducted right away as the individual narration of the stories are over.

Candidate with the least chest number start narrating his/her story, once finished, the next candidate will start his/her narration. As the narration is done no signal will be given by assessors candidates have to start the GD by instinct.

The discussion will go on for 10-15 minutes and then either group can itself conclude the discussion by picking one story and agreeing that it was the best or the discussion will stop by the assessor and he will ask candidates to conclude the discussion.

Tips on How to Clear PPDT

  • In PPDT, once the narration is started, assessors should not be interrupted by any of the candidates it will result badly for the whole group. It’s the group members’ responsibility to handle the discussion without outside help.
  • Candidate should narrate his story with in one minute.
  • If the group discussion becomes fish market, a candidate should try to calm everybody down and continue the discussion in a well-mannered way.
  • Don’t let the discussion go away from the discussion topic of PPDT, try to interrupt very carefully because interrupting in these kind of situation can go both ways for a candidate.
  • Give chance or inspire everyone to speak and praise others point too if possible it shows a supportive nature in PPDT.
  • In story writing, the story should be positive and must sound realistic. Avoid inhuman fictional possibilities in PPDT.
  • Give name to characters, it’s a good habit.
  • The basic format of story should be: a problem arises, the hero solves that problem, and hero feels happy about him solving the problem.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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