Cut off Marks for CDS Exam and SSB Interview

Candidates who are appearing for upcoming UPSC conducted CDS exam on November 1st 2015 must have look on the previous year cut off marks of...

Candidates who are appearing for upcoming UPSC conducted CDS exam on November 1st 2015 must have look on the previous year cut off marks of CDS written exam and CDSE ssb interview cut off marks.  In this article, we are going to publish the CDS exam cut off marks for written exam and CDS SSB interview cut off marks. So, basically the details here will consist of CDS exam marks of last qualified candidate in written test for IMA, OTA, AFA and NA along with marks of last recommended candidate (SSB interview marks).

Cut off Marks  for CDS Exam and SSB Interview

Cut off Marks  for CDS Exam and SSB Interview

Maximum Marks for CDS Exam and SSB Interview:

CDS exam cut off marks Written Examination
(a) For Indian Military Academy
Naval Academy and
Air Force Academy
1. English (Objective type) 100 Marks
2. General Knowledge
(Objective type)
100 Marks
3. Elementary Mathematics (Objective type) 100 Marks
Total 300 Marks
(b) For Officers’ Training Academy 1. English (Objective type) 100 Marks
2. General Knowledge (Objective type) 100 Marks
Total 200 Marks
CDS exam cut off marks for SSB Interviews
IMA, NA and AFA 300 marks
OTA 200 Marks

CDS Exam Cut Off Marks 2015:

Official cut off marks for CDS exam 2015 1 and 2 are not yet declared by UPSC but you can check the expected cut off marks here:

CDS Exam Cut Off Marks 2012CDS-Exam-Cut-Off-Marks-2012

CDS Exam Cut Off Marks 2014 CDS 1 2013


CDS Exam Cut Off Marks 2014 CDS 2 2013


CDS Exam Cut Off Marks 2014 CDS 1 2014CDS-Exam-Cut-Off-Marks-2014-CDS-2-2014

CDS Exam Cut Off Marks 2014 CDS 2 2014CDS-Exam-Cut-Off-Marks-2014-CDS-1-2014


Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

12 thoughts on “Cut off Marks for CDS Exam and SSB Interview”

    • Yes you can……..
      Even you can give cds examination in any Year if you want to prepare but at that time you will not be eligible to attend SSB
      So try hard to get commissioned
      Jai Hind ??

  1. Sir final selection ke liye exam me interview ka number chod kar kitna number lana chahiye ki merit me naam aa jaye….

  2. good afternoon sir
    in the cds exam 2015 if we pass in the english and general knowledge papers and could not get passing marks in the maths paper as the applicant choosed first preference has IMA and second preference as OTA then the applicant is eligible for OTA has he passed both the english and G.K papers or not eligible for both IMA amd OTA


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