Daily Current Affairs 03 June 2020 With Video Lecture

Telephone conversation between PM and President of USA President Trump spoke about the US Presidency of the Group of Seven and conveyed his desire to...

3 may 2020 current affairs

Telephone conversation between PM and President of USA

  • President Trump spoke about the US Presidency of the Group of Seven and conveyed his desire to expand the ambit of the grouping beyond the existing membership, to include other important countries including India. In this context, he extended an invitation to Prime Minister Modi to attend the next G-7 Summit to be held in USA.
  • Prime Minister Modi commended President Trump for his creative and far-sighted approach, acknowledging the fact that such an expanded forum would be in keeping with the emerging realities of the post-COVID world. The Prime Minister said that India would be happy to work with the US and other countries to ensure the success of the proposed Summit.
  • Prime Minister Modi expressed concern regarding the ongoing civil disturbances in the US and conveyed his best wishes for an early resolution of the situation.
  • The two leaders also exchanged views on other topical issues, such as the COVID-19 situation in the two countries, the situation on the India-China border, and the need for reforms in the World Health Organisation. 
  • President Trump warmly recalled his visit to India in February this year. Prime Minister Modi said that the visit had been memorable and historic on many accounts and had also added new dynamism to the bilateral relationship.
  • The exceptional warmth and candour of the conversation reflected the special nature of the Indo-US ties, as well as the friendship and mutual esteem between both leaders.

2nd Advance Estimates of 2019-20 of Horticulture Crops

  • Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare has released the 2nd Advance Estimates of 2019-20 of Area and Production of various Horticulture Crops. These are based on the information received from States and other source agencies.
  • Highlights of 2019-20 (2nd Advance Estimates):
    • Total Horticulture production in 2019-20 (2nd Advance Estimates) is estimated to be 3.13% higher than 2018-19.
    • Increase in Vegetables, Fruits, Aromatics and Medicinal Plants and Flowers, while decrease in Plantation Crops and Spices, over previous year, is observed.
    • The Fruits production is estimated to be 99.07 Million Tonne compared to 97.97 Million Tonne production in 2018-19. It is mainly due to increase in production of Banana, Apple, Citrus and Watermelon.
    • The production of Vegetables in 2019-20 is estimated to be 191.77 Million Tonne, compared to 183.17 Million Tonne in 2018-19.  Increase is mainly due to increased production of Onion, Tomato, Okra, Peas, Potato, etc.
    • Onion production is estimated to be 26.74 Million Tonne, as compared to 22.82 Million Tonne in 2018-19.
    • Tomato production is estimated to be 20.57 Million Tonne (increase of 8.2%) as compared to 19.01 Million Tonnes in 2018-19.

Shri Piyush Goyal asks NPC for expansion of its Advisory & Capacity Building services

  • Union Commerce and Industry Minister Sh. Piyush Goyal today took an online review meeting of National Productivity Council (NPC), an autonomous organization of DPIIT. Shri Som Parkash, Minister of State in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and other Senior Officials of DPIIT were present in the meeting.
  • Shri Goyal acknowledged that National Productivity Council, an organization set up in 1958, has been rendering expert services in the areas of Consultancy and Capacity Building in the domains of Energy, Environment, Business process and Productivity improvement. He said that it can further leverage its strength and work more closely with Industry, SMEs, and other organizations in the Government, Public as well as the Private Sector.
  • The Minister said that successful experience of NPC in implementing Lean Manufacturing in MSME sectors needs to be leveraged for expanding schemes to benefit more MSMEs. Similarly, the recent estimation study of plastic litter into riverine and marine eco-system needs to be expanded to other cities, with the objective of making India plastic free. It was also decided that the current scheme of “Training and certification of competent persons for Boiler Certification” needs to be reviewed with an objective of bringing in more efficiency. The CIM called for enhancing NPC’s revenue to the tune of Rs. 300 Crores by 2024 through expansion of its Advisory & Capacity Building services to public and private sectors.
  • To bring in more synergy among the offices of Commerce & Industry Ministry, it was recommended that all these offices should be co-located in the same city. The Minister further desired that NPC should try to replicate the Delhi Police Model of Automated Transfer & Posting System, developed by NPC, for other Government Organizations, including Railways. He also emphasized that NPC could render its services to Indian Railways which is largest government employer in the country.

Cyclonic Storm ‘NISARGA’ over East-central Arabian Sea

  • National Weather Forecasting Centre/Regional Specialised Meteorology Centre/Cyclone Warning Division of the India Meteorological Department: Cyclone Warning for north Maharashtra – south Gujarat coasts: Orange message.
  • It is very likely to move north-northeastwards and cross north Maharashtra and adjoining south Gujarat coast between Harihareshwar and Daman, close to Alibagh (Raigad District, Maharashtra)  during the afternoon of 03rd June as a Severe Cyclonic Storm with a maximum sustained wind speed of 100-110 kmph gusting to 120 kmph.
    • Heavy Rainfall
    • High Speed Rain
    • Sea Conditions
    • Storm Surge
    • Fishermen Warnings
  • Damage Expected:
    • Major damage to thatched houses/ huts.
    • Roof tops may blow off.
    • Damage to power and communication lines.
    • Major damage to Kutcha and some damage to Pucca roads. Flooding of escape routes.
    • Breaking of tree branches, uprooting of large avenue trees. Damage to banana and papaya trees.
    • Major damage to coastal crops.
  • Fishermen Warning & Action Suggested:
    • Total suspension of fishing operations.
    • Mobilise evacuation from low lying areas.
    • Judicious regulation of rail and road traffic.
    • People in affected areas to remain indoors.
    • Movement in motorboats and small ships unsafe.

Current COVID19 Situation in India

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Where did the Cyclone ‘NISARGA’ occur?

  1. Indian Ocean
  2. Arabian Sea
  3. Bay of Bengal
  4. None of the Above

Answer: B

Where did the Cyclone ‘AMPHAN’ occur?

  1. Indian Ocean
  2. Arabian Sea
  3. Bay of Bengal
  4. None of the Above

Answer: C

The model scheme for KCC was prepared by which of the following?

  2. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
  3. Ministry of Rural Development
  4. None of the Above

Answer: A

Picture of Chetan Apurav

Chetan Apurav

Senior Lecturer, General Studies, SSBCrackExams, Passionate teacher, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, Cleared AFCAT, INET, 3 times SSB recommended.

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