Defence vs Corporate Jobs Which Is Best For You

Many times we are asked by aspirants on our Facebook page and on our website that what are the pay scales of the Defence jobs,...


Many times we are asked by aspirants on our Facebook page and on our website that what are the pay scales of the Defence jobs, or which among the defence and corporate job is better. So here is an answer regarding all that. No job is better or worse, it only depends on what you like. As it is said that any job can only be enjoyed when you love the work you are doing. That is why perhaps there are diversified career options in this world.

Defence vs. Corporate Jobs

To begin with, I would like to say that if you are in search of money and only money then definitely corporate is the place for you. Corporate is a place where you can rise to a respectable position in a very short span if you are capable. In defence, everything is based on a well-defined structure. You can get a promotion only after a set time.

There is a confusion that defence doesn’t pay you well. Well, a certain misbelief I guess because payments are of two types, cash and kind. Defence pays you in both cash and kind. In cash it gives you a starting salary of around 60,000 to begin with, which increases with time and it gives you incomparable facilities. Being in defence offers you benefits like medical facilities, insurance and canteen facilities for you and your family as well, schooling facility for your children etc. Defence offers you a way of life which you can’t get in any job. Exposing you to a number of adventure sport, giving you a chance to live in different parts of India. You can travel to foreign countries as well.

You are entitled to free Rationing and fully furnished houses when you get commissioned. Defence training is the most difficult part. You are grilled mentally and physically to a level that if you are mentally fit for the job then only you’ll be able to sustain. There is nothing bad in training; it only makes you physically fit and mentally strong. The academies that train defence personnel’s are the best academies in the world. Your physical fitness is raised to a great level. Your personality is enhanced from every side, you can easily distinguish between defence personnel and a civilian.

While corporate jobs give you chances to be a part of big MNCs and travel to a number of foreign places, defence jobs offer you a chance to be a part of the most elite institutions of India and work for your motherland. You get a uniform; you get a chance to work for India directly. There is huge exposure in defence jobs, you can be associated with people in the clubs and participate in different types of events which are organized from time to time. In fact, Defence jobs are not jobs, it is entirely a way of life or rather it is not a career, it is a way of life. Love for the country and adventure are the driving forces behind defence jobs.

I might have sounded little bit partial towards defence in this article, but I can’t help it, since anybody who wants to be part of defence forces has a love for it in a very special way. There is nothing wrong in corporate jobs, every job is respectable it’s only your choices which makes you like or dislike a job. A Fauji at heart can never give up the love for Fauj and would always rank it above all, kya karein pyaar bada hota hai fauj se!Jai Hind!

Picture of Tashi Mishra

Tashi Mishra

An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. A writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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