If you are new to AFCAT or applying for AFCAT 2 2014 then you must have come across the term EKT. EKT stands for Engineering Knowledge Test. Now in this article we will guide you about EKT exam, what kind of question you might face in EKT exam, EKT exam syllabus and pattern and few more details about new EKT exam 2014 which is getting conducted along AFCAT 2014.Â
EKT Exam 2014
Engineering Knowledge Test EKT is a common test aimed at testing the Basic Engineering knowledge of the candidates applied for Aeronautical Engineering Courses. Candidates who are applying for AFCAT 2 2014 and opting for technical branch have to write 30 mins EKT exam right after 2 hours AFCAT exam. One has to select between computer or electrical & electronics and based on your selection of EKT subject you will get the EKT questions.
EKT Exam Syllabus 2014
- Digital Electronic Circuits:- Number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point),Boolean algebra and minimization of Boolean functions, Logic functions and logic gates, Minimization, Digital IC families (DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS),Design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits, Combinational Circuits: arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers, Decoders. Sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops, counters, shift-registers.
- Analog Electronic Circuits: – Small Signal Equivalent circuits of diodes ,Simple diode circuits, clipping, clamping, rectifiers, Biasing and bias stability of transistor and FET amplifiers, Amplifiers, single-and multi-stage amplifiers, frequency response of amplifiers, Simple op-amp circuits, Sinusoidal oscillators and criterion for oscillation
- Computer Organization and Architecture:- Machine instructions and addressing modes, Memory interface, Cache and main memory and Secondary storage. Microprocessor (8085): architecture and memory organisation.
- Operating System:- Processes, Threads and Inter-process communication, Concurrency, Synchronization and Deadlock, CPU scheduling, Memory management and virtual memory, File systems and I/O systems, Protection and security.
- Programming and Data Structures:- Programming in C and similar Structured programming languages. Functions, Recursion, Parameter passing, Scope, Binding; Abstract data types, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps.
- Databases:- ER-model, Relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus), Database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), Query languages (SQL), File structures (sequential files, indexing, B and B+ trees), Transactions and concurrency control.
- Computer Networks:- ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow and error control techniques, Routing algorithms, Congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP(v4), Application layer protocols (icmp, dns, smtp, pop, ftp, http); Basic concepts of hubs, switches, gateways, and routers. Network security: basic concepts of public key and private key cryptography, digital signature, firewalls.
- Information Systems and Software Engineering:- information gathering, requirement and feasibility analysis, data flow diagrams, process specifications, input/output design, process life cycle, planning and managing the project, design, coding, testing, implementation, maintenance.
- Electrical Circuits and Fields:- Network graph, KCL, KVL, node/ cut set, mesh/ tie set analysis, transient response of d.c. and a.c. networks — sinusoidal steady-state analysis — resonance in electrical circuits — concepts of ideal voltage and current sources, network theorems, driving point, immittance and transfer functions of two port networks, elementary concepts of filters –three phase circuits — Fourier series and its application — Gauss theorem, electric field intensity and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distribution, dielectrics, capacitance calculations for simple configurations — Ampere’s and Biot-Savart’s law, inductance calculations for simple configurations.
- Electrical Machines :- Single phase transformer – equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency — three phase transformers – connections, parallel operation — auto transformer and three-winding transformer — principles of energy conversion, windings of rotating machines: D. C. generators and motors – characteristics, staring and speed control, armature reaction and commutation — three phase induction motors — performance characteristics, starting and speed control — single-phase induction motors — synchronous generators performance, regulation, parallel operation — synchronous motors – starting, characteristics, applications, synchronous condensers — fractional horse power motors, permanent magnet and stepper motors.
- Control Systems :- Principles of feedback — transfer function — block diagrams: Signal flow graphs. Transient Response –steady-state errors — stability-Routh and Nyquist criteria — Bode plots — compensation — root loci — time delay systems– phase and gain margin elementary state variable formulation — state transition matrix and response for LTI systems. Mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic system components. Synchro pair, servo and step motors. On off, cascade, P, PI, P-I-D, feed forward and derivative controller, Fuzzy controllers.
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements :- Transducers, Mechanical Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation: Resistive, Capacitive, Inductive and piezoelectric transducers and their signal conditioning. Measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration (translational and rotational), force, torque, vibration and shock. Measurement of pressure, flow, temperature and liquid level. Measurement of pH, conductivity, viscosity and humidity. Bridges and potentiometers, PMMC moving iron, dynamometer and induction type instruments — measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor — instrument transformers — digital voltmeters and multimeters — phase, time and frequency measurement — Q-meter, oscilloscopes, potentiometric recorders, error analysis.
- Analog and Digital Electronics :- Analog Electronics: Characteristics of diodes, BJT, FET, SCR — amplifiers-biasing, equivalent circuit and frequency response — oscillators and feedback amplifiers, operational amplifiers- characteristics and applications — simple active filters — Instrumentation amplifier– precision rectifier– V-to-I and I-to-V converter –oscillators and signal generators–VCOs and timers.Digital Electronics: Combinational logic circuits, minimization of Boolean functions. IC families, TTL, MOS and CMOS. Arithmetic circuits. Comparators, Schmitt trigger, timers and mono-stable multi-vibrator. Sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters, shift registers. Multiplexer, S/H circuit. Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog converters. Basics of number system. Microprocessor applications, memory and input-output interfacing. Microcontrollers.
- Telecommunication Engineering :- Signals, Systems and Communications: Periodic and aperiodic signals. Impulse response, transfer function and frequency response of first- and second order systems. Convolution, correlation and characteristics of linear time invariant systems. Discrete time system, impulse and frequency response. Pulse transfer function. IIR and FIR filters. Amplitude and frequency modulation and demodulation. Sampling theorem, pulse code modulation. Frequency and time division multiplexing.
EKT Exam QuestionsÂ
1. Binary means…..
(a) Three
(b) Four (c) Two (d) None of the above.
Ans: (c)
2. The digits used in a binary systems are ……and …..
(a) 9 and 0
(b) 0 and 1
(c) 1 and 2
(d) None of the above
Ans.: (b)
3. The hexadecimal number system is widely used in analyzing and programming
(a) Registers
(b) Chips
(c) Microprocessors
(d) None of the above.
Ans: (c)
for more details visit:Â careerairforce.nic.in
97 thoughts on “EKT Exam 2014”
Hello Sir.I have filled AFCAT 2017.i have applied both for technical and non technical..I m from CSE engg.And i have made technical as first order of preference.Is it necessary for me to appear for EKT?Or If i fail Ekt n pass afcat.Can i be called for ssb for non technical?
sir ..we need to register seperately for EKT exam .???
sir for next year what will be the age limit of these all branches in the information for 2016 exam age limit from 2nd july 1991to 1997 so for next year it will become 2july 1992??
Sir, I want to apply for ground duty branch but by mistake I applied for EKT subject, and i choose ground duty branch as first preference and then flying branch and next technical branch. So what would I do if I want ground duty branch and I’m not interested in technical branch. Will I want to attempt EKT subject or not? Please help me
If you dont attempt EKT then you will automatically be eligible only for Ground duty and Flying through AFCAT
Hi Sir,
I got a letter for my EKT exam to be held on 21st Feb. If I pass this exam, what be the schedule after that? When will I get a call for AFSB (5 day schedule)?
i have applied for technical entry..i have passed my AFCAT and did not clear my EKT.. but i got a call letter.. so will i attend technical or flying?? in case of flying should i undergo PABT??
You will not attend technical since you didnt clear EKT, if this is your first attempt of AFSB then you will get the opportunity for PABT based on your eligibiity.
Sir,i have cleared afcat exam but hav’nt applied for ekt at registration time.I am from computer sci engg.What should i do now,whether to go for SSB or reapply again next time.please guide me.
Its Okay if you haven’t applied for EKT, it only means that you will not be applicable for technical branches in SSB Interview but you will be eligible for other branches.
if i have applied for both technical and non technical posts but only qualify in afcat not in ekt , then i am eligible for ssb interview or not
Sir..we apply all three branch’s but we pass in first paper and didn’t pass in ekt paper …in the case we call us for non tacnical or not???????please tell me sir
If you fail EKT then you are not eligible for technical branch ssb interview
Sir if i hav filled only fr ground then also do i need to clear ekt
No, only AFCAT
if i am applying only for flying branch then is it important to EKT paper too???
EKT is compulsory for Technical Branch
sir/mam. I have done b.tech from electronics and communication.but on my admit cart the ekt subject is electrical and electronics.are these both branches same.
Yes, electrical and electronics & electronics and communication is same from EKT perspective
My domain is eee but i have selected computer for the EKT exam. Will this work if i pass the EKT.
In AFCAT 1 – 2015, I have cleared ekt by 9 marks but could not qualify AFCAT by 14 marks.
Will I get a call for AFSB or not?
No..you have to clear both the exams.
how much marks do we need to qualify for both ekt and afcat??
sir i fill ekt(computer) in afcat form…but unable to give ekt exam…i will be rejected???plzz reply
Yes, to be a safer side, attempt EKT exam. If you are applying for only tech branch, you have to clear EKT exam.
Sir I am unable to login in my Afcat 2015 for downloading the admit card..it shows an error Invalid login..I am worried plz suggest
Try now else reset your password.
Can a person with -5 and above power apply for technical and ground duties branch ? Will there be a problem in Medical?
Is there separate ssb for technical and non-technical branches??
There is no separate SSB for non-technical and technical. Both entry attend the same interviews.
sir i have cleared the AFCAT but due to software glitch ekt exam is not mentioned in my exam letter so when this exam is conduct and my call letter for ssb interview is also dispatched
So what is the issue you are facing now?
Sir I cant remember which branch I had applied for..I have cleared the cut off for afcat but not for Ekt..how can i know the branch I had opted for
If you are eligible for Flying and GDOC then you need not to worry about EKT.
sir. i have spectacles with minus power. will i be allowed for the flying department?
It will be hard to clear for flying branch, try other branches.
sir i got 132 in afcat but not cleared ekt but in form i hv filled all branches so am I eligible for other branches & If yes which ssb center I should select since this is my 1st attempt in ssb
sir i got 150 in afcat but not cleared ekt but in form i hv filled only one choice technical can i make changes now to call for ssb
Since you have filled only one choice and have failed to clear EKT, you won’t be be called for SSB.
Sir please guide for ekt study material for self study
i got 124 marks in afcat and got 44 marks in ekt.whether i am able to go for ssb or not ?
45 marks is the cut off for EKT and you have got 44,so you won’t be considered or called for Technical Branch. You have 124 marks in AFCAT while the cut off is 123 AFCAT so you will be called for SSB provided you have selected other branches[non-technical] while filling up the AFCAT 2014 2 form.
Sir,I’ve got 150 in AFCAT but couldn’t clear EKT. My status is : Selected. I had selected flying,logistics and admn in respective orders.So now I am eligible for Logistics and administration and not for flying,right? One more thing,I accidently filled my AFSB centre “Gandhinagar”. Can I change it somehow?
You are eligible for flying also, EKT is conducted to select for technical branch only, rest are through AFCAT only.
Thanks for clearing my doubt! But.what about my SSB CENTRE? Can i change it?
i got 136 in afcat result..and 42 in ekt
i opted only technical field. i was unable to select the rest of my preferences
am i selected ?
You should obtain cut off in both exams to get called for the technical branch. Cut off in AFCAT EKT is 45. Since you have not selected for rest of the branches, you will not be getting a call letter.
i am getting approx 100 in ekt and 115 in afcat… can i clear it?
100 marks in EKT is really good but your AFCAT mark [115] is on the lower side. Last years AFCAT cut off was 127, so you may have a little problem there.
Will there be separate cutoff for AFCAT’s general and EKT paper for the technical candidates?
Yes, there will be different paper wise cut off for AFCAT and EKT and an overall[combined scored] cut-off for technical candidates, so a technical candidate will have to get minimum cut off marks in both EKT and AFCAT general paper as well as get minimum overall score for technical branch.
what is the expected cut off for EKT exam.
For electrical and electronic engineering it will be around 60 marks out of 150.
what if i qualify ekt but not afcat
Will the cut off marks of the examination be evaluated separately for AFCAT and EKT or combined?
plz reply
What is the expected cutoff for EKT
Is there a separate cutoff for technical+general paper of afcat2 2014 OR a joint cutoff of them together?
Sir, will be the cutoff marks evaluated separately for afcat and ekt….?
sir plz tell me what will be the cutoff marks for AFCAT 2 2014 EKT
Sir if ekt paper is not clear but the first paper cut off is clear is there any chance for the call of ssb
how the cutt of will be considered for afcat and ekt test both exam held back to back one after another on 31st agust
either sepratly or aggrigate of both?
Sir, I have choosed my EKT as computer but i am from electrical department….i am confident to ryt d xam…is dr any restriction dat a person from only CSE has to choose computer as EKT ??
sir iam an electrical engineer nd i have entered the details correctly and all of my frnds got their ekt subject as electrcal and instrumentation … and i got ekt subject as computer…. can i chnge subject
sir iam an electrical engineer nd i have entered the details correctly and all of my frnds got their ekt subject as electrcal and instrumentation … and i got ekt subject as computer…. can i chnge this
@ssb crack ….kya hai yaar kyu galat info de raha h aspirants ko …???
we cant select ekt subject as per our wish … !!!!
@ssb crack … for your kind info there is mechanical ekt also!!!
sir ekt exam for afcat-2 2014 would be conducted on same day of exam i.e. 31 august….
will there be SECTIONAL CUT OFF ?? means do we need to qualify both EKT and AFCAT…or combined marks will be counted ??
Sir, is it mandatory to appear for both afcat and ekt, if applied?
Will i be rejected if i dont appear for ekt or failed to clear it?
sir wht could be the expected cut off for ekt?
i have chosen ekt subject computer by mistake,
i am from electronics and communication engineering,
from above mentoned that there is computer and electonics but in my case its just computer ,
does this effect my exam
Hi Sir, I am looking for a book from where I can prepare for EKT – Computer Science. Can you please help with names of such books?
I have done M.Sc in electronics . Am I eligible for EKT exam?
Will the cut off marks of the examination be evaluated separately for AFCAT and EKT or combined?
Sir i am a civil engineering student so plz tell in which subject my ekt exam will be conducted…as of now i have applied for mechanical as the syllbus is some what similar to our branch..
Plzzz clarify this doubt like what if i cleared afcat and failed in ekt ??
Is there a chance of considering me in ground duty ???
Hi i am a B.tech mechanical have applied for afcat 2…please stell me the syllabus for the same as the exam is nearing and there is yet no correct information regarding the syllabus..kindly reply
pls correct that’s aeronautical in previous comment
sir i am a B.E aeronauical .what will the syllabus for Ekt for me.is it the same as for mechanical engineers or something different .have applied for AE(MECHANICAL)
Is there any book for preparing EKT???
i am b.tech mechanical and i need to go for technical… what should i select for ekt??
Sir,is there any EKT in on going AFSB i mean ppl who cleared AFCAT1/2014 ?
Sir,is EKT there in on going AFSB who has cleared the AFCAT1/2014 I mean during SSB or it is only for AFCAT2/2014?
wat may be expected cutoff for ekt?
Sir, There is any Book for EKT Exam.
Sir, is it mandatory to appear for both afcat and ekt, if applied?
Will i be rejected if i dont appear for ekt or failed to clear it?
hello, i want to take afcat course from ssbcrackexams.com but i want to ask whether u would provide with ekt study material or not?
Sir, I am a third year electronics and communications engineering student. I have more knowledge of Computers subjects when compared to electronics subject. Can I appear for Computers EKT? will it affect me anyhow?
Yes you can choose anyone as per your comfort. It won’t affect anything.
i am a B Tech Computer science student. Am I eligible for EKT and what after i qualify EKT.
Yes you are, select computer science while applying for AFCAT. Once you clear AFCAT and EKT exam, you will be called for 5 days AFSB interview by Indian Air Force.
what about those who are pursuing degree in mechanical engineering…what is the ..syllabus for them in EKT so as to get into aeronautical engineering (mechanical)
There are only two syllabus. Computer and Electrical and Electronics. Chose as per your wish.
Sir, what will happen if we qualify in AFCAT exam and not qualify in EKT….???
You will get a call for Flying or GDOC (if eligible).
Sir suppose we are applying for technical but if we failed in ekt but we qualify the 2 hr afcat paper….so will they call us for ground duty or flying … ??? We didnt passed ekt but we qualified the main afcat paper…??