The Complete Functioning Of SSB Interview 2021

In order to ensure maximum efficiency and profit, it is important to ensure that the right people are assigned the right role in an organization....


In order to ensure maximum efficiency and profit, it is important to ensure that the right people are assigned the right role in an organization. The criteria and method for selection have changed over the years, from brisk and arbitrary to elaborate and intricate. It is only with the proper selection of the new entrants, that the desired character and culture in the organization of the Armed Forces of the Country can be maintained.

Need for SSB Interview Selection System:

  • A feeling of satisfaction among the employees so that they understand that their capabilities and talents are being recognized and not wasted in the wrong place. This feeling of satisfaction can help increase the team morale and in the end, result in better sincerity and productivity.
  • Supplying the correct people to the organization which would ultimately boost its efficiency and productivity.

When a wrong person is being selected for a job, it can lead to an array of problems in the organization. Therefore, it is important to ensure that only suitable people are recruited, even if that requires a hefty investment.

Needless to say, there is a huge difference between the selection system used by the corporate and private enterprises and the one used by the Armed Forces. In the private world, selection to entry-level positions is based on an ‘as required’ basis and follows the ‘best fit’ philosophy, meaning that the best of the slot is selected. The Armed Forces, on the other hand, uses the ‘right fit’ philosophy, in which the Selection Center is not aware of the vacancies and recruits only those candidates which are the right fit for the services.

The process of selection varies from one organization to another. This is particularly true when it comes to the SSBs.

  All aspirants undergo three techniques of assessment, namely

All these three different techniques aim at understanding people by having a look at their personality traits by:

  • By observing how the person utilizes his or her mental faculties.(Manasa)
  • By listening to his or her conversations. (Vacha)
  • By observing his actions on the ground. (Karmana)

Thus, the precise observation of the manifestation of these skills can provide enough information to assess the individual’s character. Information about the individual is obtained through psychological tests (Manasa), interviews (Vacha), and group testing (Karmana). These three techniques present a three-dimensional picture of the aspirant.

The process of selection by the SSB is a two-stage process, each consisting of multiple steps.

Stage I– Screening Process

The Screening process was introduced in October 1998 in the Army and the Navy. The main purpose of this process is to screen out 40% to 60% of the candidate, who prima facie, do not possess adequate qualities of the required attribute that the interviewers are looking for in the aspirants. The stage 1 testing process consists of

Stage II- Personality Testing

The personality test consists of three separate tests:

The Psychological Testing (Day 2)

Group Testing (Day 3 and 4)

  • Group Discussions
  • Group Planning Exercise
  • Progressive Group Task
  • Group Obstacle Race
  • Half Group Task
  • Lecturette
  • Individual Obstacles
  • Command Task
  • Final Group Task

The interview is carried out by an Interviewing Officer, based on the availability of the aspirant.

Final Conference (Day 5)

A final conference is held between all the three assessors who have been accessing and analyzing the aspirants for the last few days and each aspirant is discussed. Based on the assessment of all the three assessors, the aspirant is termed to be recommended for Stage II or not.

Medical Examination (4-5 working days)

All the aspirants who are recommended for Stage II of the process undergo a detailed medical examination at the Military Hospital. Finally, aspirants who are declared medically fit are recommended for the final stage of selection. A merit list of aspirants is created and call letters are sent to the aspirants depending on the number of vacancies and the aspirants who make in the merit are directed to report to the training institute.  

Picture of Pankaj Negi

Pankaj Negi

Founder, SSBCrack. An Army Brat with a passion for technology, blends innovation with deep insights to empower defence aspirants and enthusiasts.

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