The interviewing officer is fairly senior and experienced in the armed forces. While he interacts with you he visualizes whether you have the essential qualities to be trained to be an army officer. What you have done till date with regard to your basic educational performances, extracurricular activities, hobbies, sports, activities and other interests in life, your relation with your parents, friends, teachers and society at large, and your physical and mental fortitude are important facets of his assessment.
The questions pertaining to society and family are of great importance as it shows how you will behave in a group or with people in general. SSB is a test of your personality and psychology that you have acquired over many years by your experiences and actions pertaining to them. Each candidate that comes to the SSB has a different basic profile and background that varies in many aspects such as education, financial condition, family, type of city they were brought up in, and opportunities that they were presented and carved out themselves.
The interview technique is called “VAACHA” and it is among the core technique to assess a candidate and usually, an interview lasts for 45-60 minutes. This way it becomes very important that you prepare for the interview in a streamlined and focused manner. We will discuss some points related to the friends, family and society that will elaborate further on the appropriate ways in which you can take your SSB interview preparation and answer specific questions that are asked by the interviewer.
Questions related to your family as they give away an idea regarding what kind of person you are and in what environment you have been brought up. The IO will ask description and type of bond and relationship that you have with each member, closer to whom, why closer, whom you admire, whom you dislike, etc. Family background questions should be dealt with carefully and you should remember that armed forces emphasize family culture according to the traditional views.
Friends define you as a person as the company that you keep has tremendous effects on your personality. What type of friends you like, what type you do not like, why are these people your friends, describe your best friend, their way of living life and what do they want to achieve in life are some sort of questions that are often asked to gauge out things from your personality and personal beliefs.
Know The People In Your Life:
Most of the candidates are often confused regarding the questions asked about the people in their life such as family, friends, neighbours and relatives. These sorts of questions are related to your personal life and tell a lot about your personal preferences and qualities that you show in your personal life. The questions are often about your likes/dislikes and their likes/dislikes in context to your friends and families as it shows how much you know them and vice versa.
Seek Incidents As Examples:
The interviewer also asks for examples at times such as any quality that you like in any specific person and any instance related to that as that can solidify your observations about that specific person in your life. To accurately answer this sort of questions you would have to talk to the people around you and should note down the things and qualities that you observe about them. Also, you should ask them about their opinions about you whether it is good or bad. This will help you a lot in Self-Description too.
Work On The Responses Again:
You have arranged all the relevant questions; try to seek their answers systematically. You won’t get the right answers for the first time as you know yourself just as the next person knows about you because in a daily routine we don’t emphasize knowing ourselves in the manner SSB wants us to. You will have to put a lot of time and effort to write down the answers to the questions with the help of your friends, teachers, colleagues, and family. The collective responses by these people can help you in determining your qualities that may be unknown to you about strengths and weaknesses that you don’t want to admit.
Break Your Comfort Zone:
Some of us do well among friends but when it comes to mingling with neighbours or relatives, we get uncomfortable. Anyone can interact within their friend circle and be a sport but to tackle the society and relatives, you need to get out of your comfort zone. There are many festivals and functions that are being celebrated on a monthly or yearly basis in your neighbourhood and you must have seen people participating in them with zeal and happiness. You need to be one among them as it will help you in associating with strangers freely by which you won’t be hesitant to put up your views when you will show up in your SSB interview.
Be A Social Influencer And Leader In Your Locality
Works and responsibilities should be taken by you in order to develop your personality and to become a social influencer as well as a leader. Here, we have to take an initiative and responsibility to do a certain action. You will not realize it but you will groom yourself for the SSB in this way and will become socially desirable by others. Liveliness should be your forte as armed forces don’t require grim and dull people. Small habits can change a lot about how you function in your day to day life and how you behave with people around you even when no one is watching or is there to be impressed.
Show Some Accountability
There are a lot of events and competitions going on in the school or at places near your house and you should volunteer to handle some kind of responsibility in them. It will make you learn about how to take an initiative and how to handle things with many people around of various viewpoints. Remember, no work is lowly or high as it’s all about your thinking and the perspective of how you take things. Take pride in what you do and maintain your self-respect, swallow your ego, and get to work. See everything from a point of view of getting a task done while evaluating your resources available and time in hand.
Take A Stand For Your Decisions
If you have an opinion about something or a stand for anything then stick to it. Though you should be flexible in approach to accommodate different rational views if you get easily influenced by views of others like relatives, friends, and neighbours or elders in the house without a substantial valid logic from them, then maybe you lack the substance to stand for your views. But at the same time, your views should carry rationality, reason, practical experience, and examples along with concrete facts as without these, your views and opinions are just baseless argumentative noises.
Try A Different Perspective
When you are having a group discussion and people aren’t ready to understand your viewpoints and are adamant on their own. You can’t make other people understand if you aren’t aware of their perspective and the position they are standing in. You will have to shed your ego and will have to step into their shoes to understand exactly why they are making this point and what could they achieve by doing so. This way you won’t have to enforce your ideas and rather they will be getting accepted wholeheartedly by your fellow brethren at group discussions or otherwise.
You can prepare for SSB interview and defence entrance exams such as NDA, AFCAT, INET, and CDS by taking Written Online courses as they will not only give you access to full-length quality lectures but will also provide the facility to take standardized mock tests for better study and strategic growth in the exam. You can take multiple quizzes after each lesson to ensure the full understanding of the subject along with creating your customized lesson plans. You can check out the course content along with other important specifics at SSBCrack exams.
You can also access them through the SSBCrack Exams app available in the google play store.
Jai Hind
1 thought on “How To Deal With Family And Social Context In The SSB?”
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