How To Join The Army Intelligence Corps

The primary mission of military intelligence is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and synchronised intelligence support to the tactical, operational and strategic-level needs of the...

The primary mission of military intelligence is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and synchronised intelligence support to the tactical, operational and strategic-level needs of the army. The Indian Intelligence Corps was set up in 1941. Their motto is – “Sada Satark”, which translates to “Always Alert”.

The intelligence corps also conducts counter-intelligence activities to detect, identify and neutralise adversarial intelligence threats within the Army.

Personnel that are appointed to the military intelligence are trained at the Military Intelligence Training School and Depot in Pune. The school trains intelligence professionals from the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, Para Military Forces, Civil Intelligence Agencies and Friendly Foreign Countries.

The military intelligence also advises defence policymakers on political-military matters and how to organize, train and equip their forces in case of a crisis or threat of a crisis.

Every year, military intelligence conducts an uncountable number of operations to keep our nation safe. They are always on alert and always working to detect the slightest threat there may be.

In this article, we will see how to join the Army Intelligence Corps.

Joining the Intelligence Corps:

There are very few openings to join the Intelligence Corps each year.

After clearing the entrance examinations to the military training academies, like the National Defence Academy Exam or the Combined Defence Services Exam, and after completion of training at the academy, during choice of arms selection, one can pick Army Intelligence Corps in the technical or non-technical field.

The technical field comprises chemical, I.T., electrical or computer engineering and candidates applying to these fields must have a thorough knowledge of the respective topics.

There is no such requirement in the non-technical field.

Earlier one could join the parent unit and then opt for the Intelligence Corps but now this process has been discontinued. Instead, during the last few days at the military training academy, while opting of choice of arms, it is mandatory to pick the Intelligence Corps if you wish to join the military intelligence.

The competition for these seats is very high as vacancies are low. Combining technical, non-technical and seats for women, there are less than ten seats available every year. Hence, keeping a high merit during your time at the academy is highly recommended. Being on top of your academics and physical strength, along with other attributes like discipline, team work and hard work etc., is extremely important.

An aspirant for the military intelligence should also possess skills that can be useful to the Intelligence Corps. Skills like knowing different languages, being good with software, critical thinking, gelling with new and different people etc., anything that can help retrieve crucial information or go under cover, when need be, is always an added bonus when applying to the Intelligence Corps as these are the skills the military intelligence looks out for.  

To join the Intelligence Corps for Other Ranks, one can visit the Intelligence Corps recruitment centre and appear for the extensive psychometric tests, which is conducted by the Intelligence Agency. Once the tests have been cleared, qualifying candidates go through a rigorous training period after which they can join the Intelligence Corps.

As seen above, joining the military intelligence is not easy.

The lower number of vacancies increases the competition between cadets and only a selected few are chosen for the Intelligence Corps.

To boost your chances, you can always work on improving your current skills, or you can learn new ones. Improve your analytical and critical thinking and work on your quick reaction and decision making.

Since you do not get to join the Intelligence Corps after being appointed your parent unit, one must be sure about whether or not they want to join military intelligence during their time at the academy so that they can opt for the Intelligence Corps when the time comes.

I hope this article was informative about the Army Intelligence Corps.

All the best to the candidates aspiring to join the military intelligence.

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Picture of Alyssa Sarup

Alyssa Sarup

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Student at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata. An avid reader, pursuing her interest in mass communication.

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