How to Pass NDA 2 2017 Written Exam

UPSC is going to conduct NDA 2 2017 Exam soon and candidates are ready to take this challenge to pass the most sought after written...

UPSC is going to conduct NDA 2 2017 Exam soon and candidates are ready to take this challenge to pass the most sought after written exam to join the greatest Indian defence training academy namely National Defence Academy, Pune. Candidates who are writing NDA 2 2017 Exam will be competing with other candidates over 400+ seats for Indian army, navy and air force. As the competition is tough, along with our NDA Exam Online Coaching, we are also giving some valuable tips on How to Pass NDA 2 2017 Written Exam

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How to Pass NDA 2 2017 Written Exam

How to Pass NDA 1 2017 Written

There are two papers in NDA written exam one is Mathematics and second one is General knowledge. The topics that are included in Mathematics are: Algebra, Matrices and Determinants, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry – 2D and 3D, Differential Calculus, Integral calculus and Differential equations, Vector algebra, Statistics and Probability. Looking at the topics candidate can say that the syllabus contains all the important topics of their intermediate mathematics.

Now, when it comes to NDA exam preparation, it varies from candidate to candidate all over India. Candidates who are aiming to get enrolled in esteemed B.Tech colleges of India through JEE (joint entrance exam), they start their preparation from intermediate first year or after completing their intermediate by dropping for one year. JEE aspirants go through some hard core preparation for their entrance exam with the help of some private institutions. Also, the syllabus of JEE contains almost 60-70 percent of the NDA exam syllabus, so for such candidates (JEE aspirants) NDA exam preparation is not very tough, the level of questions asked in NDA written exam are very substandard for these candidates.

If you are an eligible candidate for NDA who somehow not been to clear JEE, then instead of being disappointed you should try to attempt NDA exam. It’s a very good career choice, have a look at the officer pay scale and allowances offered to the officers and decide for yourself.

There are also, candidates who had set their goal to join Indian Armed Forces when they were doing their matriculation. For NDA exam preparation all they have to do is stress a little more on the concepts that are common between their school syllabus and NDA exam syllabus. Since they have ample amount of time before writing the NDA written exam, daily one hour practice is enough for NDA exam preparation.

We have noticed there are students who are about to clear their intermediate exam or just have cleared their intermediate exam and they have just heard of NDA exam. Such candidates have to face comparatively a bigger competition, time they have in hand for NDA exam preparation is not much but if they prepare a time table and give isolated focus on the exam then with some proper guidance they will be able to clear the NDA written exam. They should make a note of the topics that they are good at and keep practicing on it; also they should see private tuitions for the concepts on which they are weak and give their hundred percent to cope up with the competition. There is nothing wrong with late preparation it’s all about hard work here but the career offered by NDA is worth the stress.

Below given are some points that may help in NDA exam preparation:

  • Topics of Paper 1 mathematics NDA exam syllabus are mentioned above, candidates who are doing their NDA exam preparation should make a note of their weak and strong topics, for strong topics they can self-practice but on weak topics they should seek external help such as private tuition.
  • Paper 1 mathematics NDA exam preparation -Make flash cards of important formulae’s of mathematics. It will help in enhancing the memory on the technical concepts.
  • Paper 2 general knowledge NDA exam preparation – for physics and chemistry, if you can’t prepare every topic then atleast prepare the topics from which questions are repeatedly came in the previous exams.
  • Paper 2 general knowledge NDA exam preparation – for physics and chemistry, focus on important but simple numericals, definitions, principles and properties as asked in the syllabus.
  • Papers 2 general knowledge NDA exam preparation – for general science, know all the important facts about growth of human body, animals and plants. Gather as much as information on solar system, food and famous scientists. To do so you can watch documentaries on television, read journal – magazine etc.
  • Papers 2 general knowledge NDA exam preparation – for Indian history and geography, you can’t remember everything you read on these, so when preparing for these topics try to read them like a story. It will make it more interesting and easy to remember, documentaries, movies, magazines etc are the sources of information for these topics.
  • Papers 2 general knowledge NDA exam preparation – for current affair, it will get better only with time, make a habit of reading newspaper, following social media on social networking websites, read weekly magazines. These habits will keep you updated on current affair.

Tips on NDA exam preparation:

Below given are some tips on How to Pass NDA Written Exam:

  • Everyday 2-3 hours study is necessary on regular basis. Categorize the course as per your comfort and start preparing.
  • Practice previous year question paper as much as possible.
  • Reading monthly magazine of 2-3 months prior to the date of exam will be helpful.
  • Time management is a key here, see how many questions you are able to answer in minimum amount of time.
  • When practicing previous papers think once before guessing on an option, since negative marking is implied here so every wrong answer will cost you extra 1 mark.
  • Learn shortcuts, avoid length calculation on paper do it in your mind.
  • Learn tricks, in mathematics on few questions answer can be brought up by looking at the options i.e. instead of solving the whole questions take the given options and solve the question around those options.
  • Watch good informative programs on TV, read extensively newspaper, magazines, journal etc.
  • Study in group, it help you in sharing the ideas and grasping the concepts quick.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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