Indian Air Force Agnipath Entry Notification And Exam Date Eligibility Age Limits [OUT NOW]

UPDATE: India Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari says, “Happy to announce that the upper age limit (for recruitment) has been revised to...

UPDATE: India Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari says, “Happy to announce that the upper age limit (for recruitment) has been revised to 23 years. This will benefit the youth. The recruitment process for Indian Air Force will begin from 24th June.”

Indian Air Force has published its first Agniveer Vayu 01/2022 intake notification today. Candidates born between 29 Dec 1999 and 29 June 2005 are eligible to apply. Online Exam Date 24 July 2022 onwards. Registration starts from 24 June 2022.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Notification 1.jpg
Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Notification 1

Indian Air Force Agnipath Entry Scheme 2022: Important Dates

Notification Date24 June 2022
Application Open Date24 June 2022
Application Last Date5 July 2022
Exam Date24 July 2022 Onwards
Online Preparation CourseEnroll

Agnipath is a new HR Management scheme for Armed Forces. Candidates inducted through this scheme will be called Agniveers. These Agniveers once enrolled into the Indian Air Force, will be governed under the Air Force Act 1950, for a period of four years. Endeavour will be made to enroll candidates as Agniveers from all parts of the nation, utilising contemporary technology (online STAR exam and associated testing methods), specialized rallies and campus interviews at recognized technical institutes such as Industrial Training Institutes, NSQF etc. Agniveers would form a distinct rank in the IAF, different from any other existing rank.

Also Read: Indian Air Force Agnipath Recruitment To Start From 24th June 2022

As part of the enrolment process, each ‘Agniveerwill be required to formally accept all terms and conditions of the AGNIPATH Scheme. For personnel below the age of 18 years, the enrolment form will need to be signed by the parents / guardians, in accordance with extant provisions.

Post the period of four years, all Agniveers will go back to the society. However, based on organizational requirements and policies promulgated by the IAF, Agniveers who have exited will be offered an opportunity to apply for enrolment in the IAF in the regular cadre. The skills gained by each Agniveer will be captured in a certificate to form part of his resume. These applications will be considered by a centralized board in a transparent manner and not more than 25% of the strength of the specific batch of original Agniveers will be enrolled in the IAF based on performance during their four year engagement period as Agniveers.

Agniveers will not have any right to be selected for further enrolment into the Armed Forces. Selection will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government. The enrolment as airmen into the regular cadre of Indian Air Force except for Medical tradesmen, will be available only to those personnel who have completed their engagement period as Agniveers.

agnipath airforce

Also Read: Agnipath Entry Scheme Notification And Exam Date, Age Limits, Syllabus For Army Air Force Navy

Eligibility. ‘All India’ ‘All Classes’.

Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Physical Standards. Eligible age will be in a range from 17.5 years to 21 years. Other educational qualifications and physical standards would be issued by the Indian Air Force. **Note: The Government of India has decided to increase the upper age limit of Agniveers to 23 years. Earlier, it was between 17 to 21 years.

As per the official statement, “The Government of India has decided that a one-time waiver shall be granted for the proposed recruitment cycle of 2022. Accordingly, the upper age limit for the recruitment process for Agnipath Scheme for 2022 is increased to 23 years.”

Medical Standards. Agniveers will have to meet the medical eligibility conditions laid down for enrolment in the IAF as applicable to respective categories / trades. No permanent Low Medical Category Agniveer will be eligible for continuation of his engagement after being placed on Medical Category.

Employability. Agniveers enrolled under this entry are liable to be assigned any duty in organizational interest, at the discretion of the IAF.

Uniform. To encourage and recognize dynamism of youth, a distinctive insignia will be worn by Agniveers on their uniform during their engagement period.

Honours and Awards.   Agniveers will be entitled to honours  and awards, as per extant guidelines governing the subject for the IAF.

Training. On being enrolled, individuals will be imparted military training based on organizational requirements.

Assessment. IAF will endeavour to maintain a centralized high- quality online database of ‘Agniveers’ and will follow a transparent common assessment methodology. An objective assessment system to ensure fair and impartial assessment will be introduced. Skills attained by Agniveers will be systematically recorded. Broad guidelines will be  framed before appointment of the first batch of Agniveers and the same along with any subsequent changes would be circulated.

Leave. Grant of leave will be subject to exigencies of the organization. The following leave may be applicable for Agniveers during their engagement period:-

Annual Leave.    30 days per year.

Sick Leave.         Based on medical advice.

Medical and CSD  Facilities. For the duration of their engagement period in IAF, Agniveers will be entitled for medical facility at Service Hospitals as well as CSD provisions.

Release At Own Request. Release at own request prior to completion of engagement period will not be permissible for Agniveers except in exceptional cases, with approval of the Competent Authority.

Pay, Allowances and Allied Benefits. Individuals enrolled under this Scheme will be paid an Agniveer package of Rs. 30,000/- per month with a fixed yearly increment. In addition, Risk and Hardship, Dress and Travel allowances will be paid.

Agniveer Corpus Fund. A non-lapsable dedicated ‘Agniveer Corpus Fund’ will be created in the interest bearing section of the Public Account head. The fund will be administered and maintained under the aegis of Ministry of Defence (MoD) / DMA. Each Agniveer is to contribute 30% of his monthly income to Agniveer Corpus Fund’The Government will provide interest rate equivalent to the Public Provident Fund on the amount accumulated in the fund.

On completion of the engagement period of four years, Agniveers will be eligible to receive ‘Seva Nidhi’ package, which shall comprise their contribution (into the Agniveer Corpus Fund) and matching contribution from the Government and interest on the accumulated amount. In case of individuals who are subsequently selected for enrolment into the IAF as regular cadre, the ‘Seva Nidhi’ package to be paid to them will comprise only of their contribution including accrued interest thereon. The ‘Seva Nidhi’ will be exempt from Income Tax.

In case of Agniveers exiting before the end of their engagement period in their own request, the ‘Seva Nidhi’ package to be paid to them will comprise only their contribution including accrued interest thereon.

Remuneration Package. Details of monthly  remuneration, Agniveer Corpus fund and one-time Seva Nidhi package are indicated below:-

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Note 1:       Agniveers will not be required to contribute to any Provident Fund of the Government.

Note 2:       There shall be no entitlement to gratuity and any kind of pensionary benefits in the case of Agniveers.

Also Read: Salary Of An Agniveer Soldier In Agnipath Entry Bharti

Payment Modality – ‘Seva Nidhi’ Package. Two options to receive the Seva Nidhi package will be provided to each Agniveer, with an aim to provide financial loans for self-employment / entrepreneurship through a bank Guarantee as also to meet immediate / incidental expenses, on exit. Details will be issued separately by GoI.

Life Insurance Cover.  Agniveers  will  be  provided   life   insurance cover of Rs. 48 lakhs for the duration of their engagement period as Agniveers in the IAF.

Compensation for Death. In case of death, the following will be admissible to Next of Kin (NOK) from the Agniveer Corpus Fund:-

  • Insurance cover as applicable (as per Paragraph 22 above)
  • All other compensation as per details at para 29 below.

Compensation for Disability. In case an individual is placed in Permanent Low Medical Category (LMC), the authorities will assess the percentage of disability and attributability. Such personnel will be discharged from IAF on medical grounds post payment of lump-sum compensation as per details listed at para 28 below.

 Agniveer’ Skill Certificate. At the  end  of  the  engagement period, a detailed Skill-set certificate will be provided to the Agniveers, highlighting the skills and level of competency acquired by them during their engagement period.

Ex-Agniveers enrolled for Four Years.Ex-Agniveers who are selected to be enrolled in IAF as regular cadre on completion of four years, will be governed by existing terms and conditions of service of airmen/NCs (E) in the Indian Air Force, as amended from time to time.

Categorization of Death.  The death for the purpose of provision  of financial benefits to Agniveers will be categorized as follows:-

  • Category X. Death due to natural causes neither attributable to nor aggravated by military Service during the engagement period.
  • Category Y.    Death due to causes which are accepted    as attributable to or aggravated by military service or due to accidents/mishaps in the performance of duties including training during the engagement period.
  • Category Z.     During the engagement period, death due  to acts of violence/attack by terrorists, anti-social elements, enemy, during border skirmishes/war/peace keeping operation/aid to civil power, etc; and during operational preparation and training for war including battle inoculation training/exercises; and accidental deaths due to natural calamities/operations specially notified by the Govt, etc.

Computation of Extent of Disability. The extent of disability or functional incapacity shall be determined in the following manner for the purpose of computing the disability compensation:-

Sl No.Percentage of disability as Finally acceptedPercentage to be reckoned for computing disability compensation
(a)Between 20% and 49%50%
(b)Between 50% and 75%75%
(c)Between 76% and 100%100%

Payment of Disability/ Death.

SL. NoCategoryEntitlements of Agniveers
(a)Death during engagement period on Bonafide duty (Category ‘Y’/’Z’)Insurance Cover of Rs 48 lakhs.One-time ex-gratia Rs 44 Lakhs.Full pay for unserved period upto four years (with effect from date of death) including Seva Nidhi component.Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi’ fund and Govt contribution including interest from the Agniveer Corpus Fund.
(b)Death during engagement period not on duty (Category ‘X’)Insurance Cover of Rs 48 lakhs.Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi fund and Govt contribution including interest from the Agniveer Corpus Fund.
(c)Disability (attributed /aggravated due to conditions of engagement)One-time ex-gratia Rs 44/25/15 Lakhs based on % of disability (100/75/50) from Public Fund.Full pay for unserved period up to four years (with effect from date of disability) including Seva Nidhi component (from Public Fund). (iii) Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi fund including interest and Govt contribution from the Agniveer Corpus Fund.

Indian Air Force Agnipath Entry Scheme 2022: Exam Pattern

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Indian Air Force Agnipath Entry Scheme 2022: Syllabus


I. A short passage followed by four questions to test comprehension.

The questions will be set:

1. To judge understanding of the passage.

2. To draw inference

3. To judge understanding of vocabulary

II. Grammar – 1

1. Subject – verb concord

2. Forms of verbs and errors in the use of verbs, etc.

3. Sequence of tenses and errors in the use of tenses

4. Transformation of sentences – Compound, Complex, Simple, Negative,

Affirmative, Comparative degree, Positive degree, Superlative degree etc.

III. Grammar – 2

1. Formation of words – Nouns from verbs and adjectives, Adjectives from nouns

and verbs, Adverbs from adjectives etc

2. Determiners

3. The Preposition

4. Nouns and Pronouns

5. The Adjective

6. The Adverb

7. The Conjunction

8. The Modals

9. Clauses – Noun clauses, Adverb clauses of condition and time and Relative


IV. Vocabulary

1. Synonyms and Synonyms in context

2. Antonyms and Antonyms in context

3. One-word substitution

4. Spelling pitfalls

5. Simple Idioms/phrases

6. Words often confused/Selecting the correct word fitting in a sentence

V. Narration (Direct and Indirect)

1. Commands and requests

2. Statements (Various tenses)

3. Questions (Various forms of questions, tenses, etc.)

VI. Voice (Active and Passive)

1. Changes required under each tense.

2. Other conditions for transforming Active into Passive

(a) The Preposition

(b) Modal auxiliaries

(c) Infinitive

(d) Participles

VII. Jumbled Sentences



 1. Sets, Relations and functions

 2. Trigonometric Functions

 3. Inverse Trigonometric Functions

 4. Complex Number and Quadratic Equations

 5. Linear Inequalities

 6. Mathematical Induction

 7. Permutations and Combinations

 8. Binomial Theorem

 9. Sequences and Series

10. Cartesian system of rectangular co-ordinates

11. Straight lines and family of lines

12. Circles and family of circles

13. Conic sections

14. Three-dimensional Geometry

15. Matrices and Determinants

16. Limit and Continuity

17. Differentiation

18. Applications of Derivatives

19. Indefinite integrals

20. Definite Integrals

21. Applications of the Integrals

22. Differential Equations

23. Mathematical Reasoning

24. Linear Programming

25. Vector

26. Probability

27. Statistics



 1 Physical World and Measurement

 2 Kinematics

 3 Laws of Motion

 4 Work, Energy and Power

 5 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body.

 6 Gravitation

 7 Properties of Bulk Matter

 8 Thermodynamics

 9 Behavior of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases.

10 Oscillations and Waves

11 Electrostatics

12 Current Electricity

13 Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

14 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current

15 Electro Magnetic Waves

16 Optics

17 Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

18 Atoms and Nuclei

19 Electronic Devices

20 Communication Systems


Reasoning (Verbal and Non- Verbal)

1. Numerical series.

2. Distance and Direction sense Test.

3. Mathematical Operations

4. Number, Ranking & Time Sequence Test.

5. Assign Artificial Values to Mathematical Digit.

6. Inserting Correct Mathematical sign.

7. Human relation.

8. Coding & Decoding

9. Odd man out.

10. Mutual relation problems.

11. Tallest, youngest relations.

12. Dictionary woods.

13. Analogy.

14. Non- Verbal reasoning.

15. Number coding.

16. Number Puzzle.


1. Ratio and Proportion.

2. Average.

3. LCM & HCF.

4. Profit and Loss.

5. Time, Distance and Speed.

6. Percentage.

7. Simplifications of Numbers.

8. Fractions.

9. Area of triangle, Square and Rectangle.

10. Surface Area and volume of Cuboids, Cylinder, Cone and Sphere.

11. Probability.

12. Simple Trigonometry.

General Knowledge and Current Affairs

1. General Science

2. Civics

3. Geography

4. Current Events

5. History

6. Basic Computer Operations

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Also Read:

1. When will the recruitment process for Indian Air Force Agniveers begin?

The recruitment process for Indian Air Force will begin from 24th June.

2. Is the Agnipath scheme likely to be opened to women?

It is envisaged that in the future women will be joining the Armed Forces under the Agniveer scheme.

3. What are the age limits for Indian Air Force Agnipath Entry?

17.5 to 21 years

**Note: The Government of India has decided to increase the upper age limit of Agniveers to 23 years. Earlier, it was between 17 to 21 years. As per the official statement, “The Government of India has decided that a one-time waiver shall be granted for the proposed recruitment cycle of 2022. Accordingly, the upper age limit for the recruitment process for Agnipath Scheme for 2022 is increased to 23 years.”

4. What is the Salary after joining as an Indian Air Force Agniveers?

4 Lakhs to 6 Lakh annual package along with allowances and other benefits.

5. What are the future career prospects of Agniveers, and equip them for various job roles in the civilian sector?

The Ministry of Education is to launch a special, three-year skill-based bachelor’s degree programme for serving defence personnel that will recognize the skill training received by them during their tenure in the defence establishments. There are enormous opportunities to serve in other services and domains where govt & pvt sector is taking steps and is planning to intake with quote for Agniveer.

6. Can the Agniveers opt for enrolment in the Permanent Cadre?

Based on organisational requirement and policies promulgated by the Armed Forces, 100% of the Agniveers after completing their engagement period, will be offered an opportunity to apply for enrolment in the permanent cadre. These applications will be considered by a centralised transparent rigorous screening system which would be based on merit and demonstrated performance during service. 25% of the Agniveers would be selected for enrolment in the permanent Cadre as per the existing Terms and Conditions. Selection of Agniveers for further enrolment into the Armed Forces will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government through laid down policies

7. What is the Agnipath scheme and what are its advantages?

AGNIPATH Scheme in the Indian Armed Forces is a scheme wherein selected candidates will be enrolled as Agniveers for four years period. On completion of the four-year period, Agniveers will go to the society as a disciplined, dynamic, motivated, and skilled workforce for employment in other sectors to pursue their career in the job of their choice.

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8 thoughts on “Indian Air Force Agnipath Entry Notification And Exam Date Eligibility Age Limits [OUT NOW]”

  1. #अग्निवीर मेरा एयरफोर्स xy result पिछले 1 साल से पेंडिंग है और अब उन्होंने उस वैकेंसी को रद्द कर दिया मेरी 2 साल की मेहनत राख हो गई। मेरे कुछ दोस्त जो मुझसे पहले एयरफोर्स की तैयारी शुरू की थी जो अपनी(enrollment) की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे, उनकी 4 साल की मेहनत भी बेकार हो गई।


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