Indian navy has published the INET officer 2020 online exam result which was conducted 08 Feb 2020. Indian Navy has published the result of INET officer 2020 online exam today, candidates can check their result on the official website of the Indian navy. If the website is down, do wait for some time and check your INET 2020 result. SSBCrack will be publishing the INET 2020 cut off once it is published by the official website. SSBCrack wishes more success to all the INET aspirants. If you are preparing for the INET exam, do not forget to check SSBCrackExams INET online course. Many of our followers have cleared the INET exam and we congratulate all.

1 thought on “INET Officer 2020 Result – Check Cut Off Marks”
my status in INET (officer) result is Pass but I’m not selected for SSB ………please explain