Instructions Given By GTO During GTO Testing In Each Task Part 2

The GTO i.e. Group Testing Officer during the SSB Interview will give you certain instructions before each and every task. As a candidate, you must...

The GTO i.e. Group Testing Officer during the SSB Interview will give you certain instructions before each and every task. As a candidate, you must listen to his instructions very carefully because there is a lot of hidden meaning in them and you need to perform the task as per the instructions only.

Task 5 – Lecturette
Lecturette is an important task conducted in the GTO series; it is aimed to judge the candidates Self-confidence and Power of Expression i.e. the ability to put across one’s idea with ease and clarity. Before commencing the task, GTO will give briefing which is as follows:

Gentlemen, the task is called Lecturette. I have a number of cards with me. Each card has four subjects written on it. Each of you by turn will get a card and you need to choose one of the topics given on the chosen card, then move a little bit far away from the group and prepare your topic for about three minutes and then come and give a short talk on the same for about three minutes to the rest of the group.

The process to be followed is such that first of all Chest No.1, will take a card from me, go a little away from us to choose the subjects and think over it. After about three minutes or earlier if he is ready, he will hand over his card to me, stand in front of the group and give his talk. As soon as Chest No.1 is ready for his talk, Chest No.2 will take the next card from me so that while Chest No.1 is talking Chest No.2 will be preparing his talk.

I have a whistle with me that I will blow and on hearing it, Chest No.2 will hand over his card to me and Chest No.3 will take the next card from me. We shall carry on this way till all of you have given your talk.

Gentlemen, to keep you informed of your time, after two and half minutes of your talk, I will tap the bell once. You should try and wind up the issue in the next half a minute, failing which I shall give another tap on the bell on my board to indicate the end of your three minutes.

Let’s have a look at some common performance-boosting points:
• Acquire knowledge about frequently asked topics and trending issues in India and the World. Be confident while delivering Lecturette and to do that one should choose his/her words and deliver them according to the appropriate tone.

• Maintain the body language while delivering Lecturette, show minimum body moments including hand gestures and leg moments. Be always communicative in friend and social circle, it helps in becoming bold and fluent while enhances information and communication skills.

• Use accurate pronunciation of words and articulate sentences in an impressive manner. Avoid very silly mistakes of grammar like his-her, she-he, has-had these mistakes will get noticed very easily and leave a bad impression.

• Keep in check the pause and breaks when speaking it will help in maintaining the tempo of the lecture. Keep the lecture in short memory cards in mind while preparing the topic and unfold them in sequence while delivering the lecture.

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Task 6 – Half Group Task
The Half Group Task is an important task conducted in the GTO series, in this task, you will get a better chance of showcasing your skills and qualities to the GTO as there will be less number of candidates in your group as compared to PGT, GPE, and GD. Before commencing the task, GTO will give briefing which is as follows:

• Gentleman, so far you have been working as a group. At times, some of you might have felt that with so many of you working together, you did not have adequate scope to show your best. To give you an opportunity for the same, we have a task called Half Group Task.

• As the name suggests, in this task, I will divide your group into two sub-groups and each sub-group will be given an obstacle to complete one after the other in a manner that while one sub-group is working, the other will not be allowed to see it. The obstacles will be an obstacle of a PGT. The same rules will apply therefore except the group rule as there is only one obstacle to do. Each sub-group will get 15 minutes to complete the task.

• As the GTO has already seen your performance prior to this task he will divide the group in such a way that candidates who didn’t get a chance or didn’t grab a chance to showcase their skills in the previous tasks will get a chance here as the group size will be smaller. The GTO will divide the group on his whim and fancies and once such way is making subgroup with even and odd-numbered candidates.

Task 7 – Individual Obstacles
Individual Obstacles (IOs) are a set of 10 physical obstacles that a candidate is required to complete individually. The IOs are conducted as a part of GTO tasks but unlike other tasks in this series you need to perform them individually. If you are not aware of the procedure and structure of Individual Obstacle then click here to know complete details. On this page, we will discuss the tips you should follow while performing IOs.

Discipline is of utmost importance in any task of SSB Interview and IOs are no different. While one candidate is performing the others will not be allowed to see him. You should not look at the candidate who is currently performing the tasks.
You may find any obstacle difficult to perform, in that situation give it another try, if you go through it then fine but if still, you are not able to manage that then skip that and go on to the next one. If you have time left after finishing all other obstacles then come back to that obstacle and try that again.

The purpose of this test is to check mental ability, physical toughness, stamina level, courage, determination, acrophobia (fear of heights) etc. It also checks how fast you can make a choice and execute accordingly. There are a total of 10 tasks (a few differs in AFSB) and time is 3 min.

Task 8 – Command Task
The Command Task will be most probably the penultimate task of the GTO Series and before conducting the task, GTO will give briefing which is as follows:

• Gentleman, in your group tasks so far you have been working as equals, where each of you had the same say as to how the task could be done. At times, you might have felt differently to the plan of action adopted by your group. This task, called the command task, will allow you of doing the task in your way.

• Each of you, in turn, will be nominated as a commander for one task. You will then do your task in the manner you want to without anyone else questioning or interfering you.

• The task will be an obstacle of the PGT with similar rules, except the bit modified group rule, for obvious reasons. You will be allowed 15 minutes each to complete your task.

• Each commander will have the choice of his team from amongst the group members. Excluding the commander, the team will consist of two members.

• Now those of you who are chosen as teammates must do as the commander tells you to do whether you approve it or not. After all, the responsibility of doing the task is his and it is only fair that his wishes are carried out unquestioned.

• Therefore, no one else should do anything directly or even indirectly on his own; you should not even speak unless specifically addressed to by the commander.

The GTO will subject you to pressure during the task by taking out either helping material or removing any structure on the ground. What the GTO wants to see is how your brain functions under pressure, whether you can generate ideas under pressure or not. The task assigned by the GTO is as per the capabilities of the candidates which the GTO has already judged during several previous tasks such as GD, GPE, PGT, HGT, Snake Race etc.

• Talk loud and clear while addressing your subordinates so that your instructions can be heard clearly by everyone present and your idea can be communicated to your subordinates and GTO alike.

• Don’t ask for help for simple obstacles and treat your subordinates well but be commanding. Make sure you lead from the front; don’t send your subordinates to test an unstable bridge. Instead, you must take the risk.

• Try to use all helping material wherever possible and try to help your subordinates at times instead of commanding instructions all the time. Act like a leader and not a boss.

Task 9 – Final Group Task
The Final Group Task is a task as the name suggest is the last and final task of the GTO series. Before commencing the task, GTO will give briefing which is as follows:
• Gentleman, the task that you are to do now is called Final Group Task and is the last task. For some time now, you have been working in sub-groups or as Individuals.

• Final Group Task will be the last task in the GTO series; in fact, it will be the last task of the SSB Interview because the only thing left after this is Conference, which usually lasts only a few minutes.

• In this task, your entire group will be reunited once again after performing a few tasks in the subgroup or alone (Half Group Task/Command Task/Individual Obstacles). If you have a clear picture of PGT which you did initially then the only difference here will be that the number of obstacles you need to cross will be very less and the task will last only for few minutes although 15 minutes of time will be given to you.

Let’s have a look at some common points that will boost your performance in this last task:
• Never look at the GTO while doing the tasks even if this is the last task. Give a good idea to the group if you don’t know any idea just help others who are giving ideas in implementing that idea.

• Never violate the rules as it is the basic criteria of GTO tasks, and in case if you violate the rule, just repeat the task by yourself. Be an active participant in the team by giving your full cooperation in physical as well as through mental manner.

• Be positive in your views i.e. take consideration about other members ideas if it is finer than yours. Be practical and reasonable.

ALSO READ: Instructions Given By GTO During GTO Testing In Each Task Part 1

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Jai Hind

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