JAG 31 Merit List OUT NOW, 42 Candidates Recommended

The Indian Army has released the JAG 31 Merit List for Men for courses that will start in October 2023 at OTA Chennai. The SSB...

The Indian Army has released the JAG 31 Merit List for Men for courses that will start in October 2023 at OTA Chennai. The SSB Interview for JAG-31 had been conducted in the months of April and May 2023, and after Finalising the result, the authorities published the Merit List.

JAG 31 Merit List OTA Chennai

JAG 31 Merit List

The Indian Army has published the JAG 31 Merit List for JAG Entry (Judge Advocate General) on its official website. The SSB Interview for JAG 31 was held in the months of April and May 2023, and the authorities will publish the Merit List after finalising the results. Keep Following SSBCrackExams for regular and future Updates.

A total of 42 Candidates have been recommended in the SSB Interview Procedure of JAG 31. Out of 42, 18 Men Candidates and 24 Women Candidates have Been recommended for the post of 5 vacancies and 2 vacancies for men and women respectively.


JAG 31


JAG 31

JAG (Judge Advocate General)

The Indian Army provides an excellent chance for legal graduates who want to serve their country in the Indian defence forces. This distinguished admission unlocks the door to the Indian Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Department, a vital component of the military law and justice system.

JAG entry, which stands for “Judge Advocate General,” is a special entry for law graduates. There is no written test for this entry, and candidates are chosen for an SSB interview based on their degree. If you’re getting ready for the JAG SSB interview, you can now sign up for our Live SSB Course.

According to the Indian Army’s official website, joining letters will be sent to candidates in the order of their merit and the number of openings.

Also Read: 10 Ways To Join Indian Army In 2023

JAG 32 Notification Judge Advocate General Branch [OUT NOW]

JAG 32 EventsDates
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Application Start Date22 June 2023
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Application Last Date21 July 2023
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme SSB DateOct-Nov 2023
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Merit ListMarch- April 2024
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Joining DateApril 2024
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme SSB CoachingJoin SSB Coaching
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Job PostArmy Officer
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Vacancies05 (Men) + 05 (Women)
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Salary/ Pay ScaleRs. 56100/- to 177500/- (Level-10)
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Mode of ApplyOnline
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Official Websitejoinindianarmy.nic.in
JAG 32 Special Entry Scheme Notification PDFDownload

To crack the Indian Army JAG 32 Entry Course SSB Interview, You can join our SSB interview live classes batch and we recommend you to Enroll SSB INTERVIEW ONLINE COURSE. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants.


SSB Interview Best Online Classes Schedule [Join Daily Live Classes Batch]

1SSB Interview Online Course Introduction
2Introduction Of OIR and Practice Session I
3OIR Practice Session II
4Introduction of PPDT and Practice Session I
5PPDT Practice Session II
6Complete Screening Test Practice (OIR & PPDT)
7Overview Of Psych Test
8Introduction of TAT And Practice Session I
9Introduction of WAT And Practice Session I
10Introduction of SRT And Practice Session I
11Introduction of SDT And Practice Session I
12Complete Psych Test Practice (TAT, WAT, SRT & SDT)
13Introduction of PIQ Form And Guidance
14Introduction of Personal Interview And Discussion
15Individual Personal Interview Sessions
16Introduction of GTO And Tips
17 AIntroduction of GD And Practice Session I
17 BGD Practice Session II
18Introduction of GPE And Practice Session I
19GPE Practice Session II
20Introduction of Lecturette And Practice Session I
21Complete Overview Of SSB Interview Process & Feedback
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