The NDA exam is very crucial for one who aspires to serve his nation from the very early phase of his life, by pursuing a career in defence, just after he passes out school. Most of the students are worried about the methodology they should follow to crack the NDA examination along with their preparation for board exams. So, don’t worry, in this article you will find a solution to this.
Mathematics syllabus for NDA includes the combined knowledge from the topics of 11th and 12th. There are 8 main topics categorized as: Algebra, Matrices and Determinants, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Vector Algebra, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Probability and Statistics. So, first of all we shall discuss the importance of each topic in NDA exam. Let’s begin.
The maximum questions are asked from Algebra, that is 40 (approx.) out of 120 in Mathematics in every NDA examination.
Algebra contains many sub-topics in itself and some of the most important sub topics from these are Set theory, Function, Permutations and combination, Quadratic equations and inequations. These 4 sub-topics cover the maximum number of questions out of 40 (as approximately 40 questions are asked from algebra). Then the moderately important topics are Complex numbers, Logarithms, Sequences and series. These can be asked in form of questions which require the concepts from these topics. Also, there are some other sub-topics as Relations, Binomial Theorem and Binary numbers, which are used conceptually in a few questions, and so we can say that they are lesser important if you are preparing at the last moment.

Matrices and Determinants:
This topic is generally under-rated by the students as they feel not many questions will be asked from this or the questions will be very easy. On the contrary, this topic can be proved miraculous to most as there are very less sub-topics in it and since the past few examinations, the number of questions asked varied from 8 to 12. So, if you are thinking to leave this topic, think twice before you do so!!! (Do not take this topic for granted.)
Trigonometry consists of the sub-topics, namely, Trigonometric Ratios, Inverse trigonometry, Heights and distances and Properties of Triangles. Out of these, the most important are trigonometric ratios and heights and distances, as trigonometric ratios alone cover 10-12 questions in each NDA examination and at least 1 question is compulsorily asked from heights and distances. On the other hand, inverse trigonometric formulas are very useful in questions dealing with differential integral calculus, and a few questions might be asked from the same. However, properties of triangles can be bluntly said to be the least important subtopic from the exam point of view. If at all a question is asked from properties of triangles, it is possible to solve such questions without having a varied knowledge of trigonometry. It’s just that you should look for alternate techniques.
Analytic Geometry:
This topic has coordinated geometry, straight lines, circle, conic sections, 3-D geometry, Line, Plane and Sphere in it. So, you can see that each sub-topic is of some importance if not much. But coming to the most important subtopics in Analytic geometry, we can say straight lines, conic section, line and plane are the ones! Analytic geometry again presents 10-12 questions at least from it in the NDA examination.
Differential Calculus:
Differential calculus is among the most important topics including limits, continuity and differentiability. Around 1-2 questions are asked from these sub-topics, followed by differentiation while applications of differentiation are of more importance. Overall, we can expect 7-11 questions from this topic.
Integral Calculus:
In integral calculus, we have Indefinite Integration, Definite Integration, Areas bounded by region and Differential Equations. This topic requires more time for preparation but not many questions come from this topic as per the time required for preparation. In integral calculus, the most important are the formulas for indefinite and definite integration from which 2-3 and 3-4 questions are asked, respectively. Areas bounded by region always have one question space in the question paper followed by 4-5 questions from differential equations.
Vector Algebra:
This topic have 4-5 questions in the NDA examination. So, if you are preparing in the last days of your exam you can skip it. This is not very difficult topic and it is used in physics as well. But if you are a regular student, you should prepare this as well.
Probability and Statistics:
This is one of the most important topics. Statistics has it own 8-10 questions and probability also covers 8-10 questions, so you can expect 16-20 questions from this topic itself. Theory of statistics is also very important along with the numerical problems.
Since we have discussed the topic-wise importance, you are now free to choose which topics to pick first, based upon your interest and understanding. SSBCrackExams is always with you to support in your preparation. There are detailed lectures on each of these topics for the students who are conceptually weak and also the shortcut ways to solve the questions are discussed with the questions so that a student can attempt a question most efficiently. You shall watch the FREE lecture series of NDA 300 MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS on our YouTube channel of SSBCrackExams. In it, we have targetted the questions that cover the maximum concepts from a single topic and the types of questions which are important from the NDA exam point of view.
- Download – NDA Exam Previous Papers 2013 – 2020
The most important key to score highest marks in Mathematics is to pick the questions in a smart way. There are many questions which are used to bluff students so that they end up wasting time in the exam if they don’t have clarity over what type of questions to pick. Consider this as a warning and don’t engage yourself in bouncer questions in the examination. Also, you shall try to solve question with the help of options given, for topics like trigonometry and integral calculus, so that you can solve them in the least possible time. For more such tips and tricks, stay tuned to SSBCrackExams. Jai Hind!
3 thoughts on “How To Prepare Mathematics For NDA Exam [Topicwise]”
I Had studied in Open University of degree ,
Can I eligible for SCO .
Please let me know whether girls may apply for SSB and NDA.
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