JYOTI NAINWAL wife of NAIK DEEPAK NAINWAL 1 RR – 1 MAHAR will be joining OTA Chennai on 29th January. Naik Deepak was hit twice in a 17 hr long operation at Kulgam and immortalized himself 40 days later in 2018.
Let's Crack Defence Exams
JYOTI NAINWAL wife of NAIK DEEPAK NAINWAL 1 RR – 1 MAHAR will be joining OTA Chennai on 29th January. Naik Deepak was hit twice in a 17 hr long...
JYOTI NAINWAL wife of NAIK DEEPAK NAINWAL 1 RR – 1 MAHAR will be joining OTA Chennai on 29th January. Naik Deepak was hit twice in a 17 hr long operation at Kulgam and immortalized himself 40 days later in 2018.
Let's Crack Defence Exams