Meet NDA 2 2020 Exam Toppers – National Defence Academy

UPSC has published the list of candidates who got recommended in NDA 2 2020 SSB interviews. The list consists of marks scored by all the recommended candidates...

nda exam toppers

UPSC has published the list of candidates who got recommended in NDA 2 2020 SSB interviews. The list consists of marks scored by all the recommended candidates in SSB interview and NDA written exam. In this article, you can find the marks of NDA toppers from NDA II 2020.

NDA 2 2020 Toppers Marks

NameWritten MarksSSB MarksTotal
ADITYA SINGH RANA619/900497/9001116/1800
NAKUL SAXENA697/900380/9001077/1800
DEVEN NAMDEO SHINDE634/900437/9001071/1800
MANIK TURAN605/900457/9001062/1800

ADITYA SINGH RANA NDA 2 2020 AIR-1 : Aditya Singh Rana has topped the NDA 2 2020 written examination and Interview, he has secured the All Indian Rank -1 in NDA and NA (II) 2020. A total of 478 candidates have made it in the UPSC NDA 2 2020 merit list and Aditya Singh Rana has secured the AIR-1 with flying colors.

Nakul Saxena NDA 2 2020 AIR-2 : Nakul Saxena has achieved AIR-2 in NDA 2 2020 examination. He has scored 697 marks in the NDA written exam and 380 marks in his SSB interview. Nakul is a cadet of RIMC Dehradun and belongs to a civilian background. In an interview with SSBCrack, Nakul has shared the life experiences that he has gained during his schooling and NDA preparation.

DEVEN NAMDEO SHINDE NDA 2 2020 AIR-3: Deven has score AIR-3 in NDA 2 2020. He has scored 634 marks in the NDA written exam and 437 marks in his SSB interview.

Manik Turan NDA 2 2020 AIR-4 : Manik Turan from Karnal has achieved AIR-4 in NDA 2 2020 examination. He has scored 605 marks in the NDA written exam and 457 marks in his SSB interview. Manik is a cadet of RIMC Dehradun and belongs to a defence background. In an interview with SSBCrack, Manik has shared the life experiences that he has gained during his schooling and NDA preparation.

BHARAT NDA 2 2020 AIR-5: Deven has score AIR-5 in NDA 2 2020. He has scored 530 marks in the NDA written exam and 520 marks in his SSB interview. He has scored the highest marks in the SSB interview in NDA 2 2020.


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4 thoughts on “Meet NDA 2 2020 Exam Toppers – National Defence Academy”

  1. Love you so much brothers
    I love you NDA
    Mujhe NDA pripresion krna hai
    Please mujhe gaid kre
    Mera abhi 12th pass out hua hoo
    Please gaid me

  2. I am a girl studying in 11class and I want to be a pilot in Indian Air Force
    I feel very glad after seeing these all
    I wish that one day Ialso got such a success in my life
    To make my parent proud on me……


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