UPSC has finally published the revised date of NDA 1 2020 written exam which was postponed due to the COVID-19 situation in the country. The UPSC today revised the dates for all the exams and published a new exam calendar. As per the latest UPSC calendar, the NDA 1 2020 exam will be conducted on 06 Sep 2020 along with the NDA 2 2020 exam. Meaning, both NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020 will be conducted on 06th Sep 2020. A common examination for both NDA& NA Exam (I) and NDA&NA Exam (II), 2020 will be held on 06.09.2020.
Will, there is same paper for NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020?
At the moment, we do not have any solid information on the same, mostly the paper will be the same as it is difficult to conduct two different papers on the same day.
Will the same paper counted for both NDA 1 2020 and NDA 2 2020?
Candidates who have applied for NDA 1 2020 can they apply for NDA 2 2020?
Mostly yes, but more details will be on NDA 2 2020 official notification.