NDA 1 2024 Exam English Complete Strategy & Mind Mapping

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will publish NDA 1 2024 exam official notification on 20th December 2023 for admission of unmarried males/ females to the...

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will publish NDA 1 2024 exam official notification on 20th December 2023 for admission of unmarried males/ females to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 153rd Course, and for the 115th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from Jan 2025.

NDA 1 2024 Important Dates to Remember

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NDA 1 2024 Selection Procedure

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NDA 1 2024 Exam Pattern

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NDA Previous Years’ Written Cut-Off Marks

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How Much To Score in NDA 1 2024 Exam?

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NDA 1 2024 – GAT English Syllabus

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Topic Importance: Spotting of Errors

•The most Important Parts of Speech to focus on are Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Tenses, Appropriate Prepositions, Adjectives, Adverbs, Articles and Conjunctions.

•Questions vary from Moderate to Advanced level of difficulty.

•Questions demand deep and clear knowledge of grammatical rules.

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Topic Importance: Antonyms & Synonyms

•Questions vary from Basic to Moderate level of difficulty.

•Questions are asked in the form of underlined words in sentences.

•Study Antonyms and Synonyms of each word together.

•Learn at least 3 antonyms and 3 synonyms for each word.

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Topic Importance: Idioms & Phrases

•Questions vary from Basic to Moderate level of difficulty.

•Questions are asked as single idiomatic expressions and phrases.

•Phrases are sometimes asked in Fill in the blanks as well as Cloze Test questions too.

•Know clear meanings and usages of particular Idioms & Phrases in a sentence.

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Topic Importance: Sentence Improvement

•Questions are of Moderate to Advanced level of difficulty.

•Parts of sentences will be underlined and the candidate is required to improve the underlined part (if incorrect) by finding the correct replacement from the options given below.

•Questions demand a clear knowledge and understanding of grammar and  vocabulary (including phrases) and their usage in a sentence.

•Questions need basic to intermediate reading and comprehensive skills.

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Topic Importance: Fill in the Blanks

•Questions are of Basic level of difficulty.

•Questions need basic to intermediate reading and comprehensive skills.

•Questions demand a clear knowledge and understanding of grammar and  vocabulary (including phrases) and their usage in a sentence to make the sentence complete and meaningful.

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Topic Importance: Cloze Test

•Questions vary from Basic to Medium level of difficulty.

•Blanks need to be filled in a passage to complete the passage given.

•Questions demand a clear knowledge and understanding of grammar and  vocabulary (including phrases) and their usage in a sentence to make the sentence complete and meaningful, as well as, logically connected to the rest of the passage.

•Questions need basic to intermediate reading and comprehensive skills.

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Topic Importance: Ordering of Words

•Questions are of Moderate to Advanced level of difficulty.

•Jumbled words and/or parts of sentences are given as questions. The words are to be properly arranged to make logical connections between words and to make the sentences meaningful and in proper order.

•Questions need intermediate to advanced reading and comprehensive skills to arrange the parts of the sentences logically and in proper meaningful sequence.

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Topic Importance: Ordering of Sentences

•Questions are of Moderate to Advanced level of difficulty.

•Jumbled sentences of a passage are given as questions. The sentences are to be properly arranged to make logical connections between them and to make them meaningful and in proper order.

•Questions need intermediate to advanced reading and comprehensive skills to arrange the sentences logically and in proper meaningful sequence.

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Topic Importance: Comprehension

•Questions are of Basic to Moderate level of difficulty.

•Questions are asked from the passage which needs to be first read to answer them.

•Questions need intermediate to advanced reading and comprehensive skills to analyse the passage and deduce suitable answers for the questions asked from it.

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Topic Importance: Usage of Paired Words

•Questions vary from Medium to Advanced level of difficulty.

•A pair of similar sounding words is given in the question. The candidate is required to find the most appropriate option describing the meaning of both the words, as the answer.

•Questions demand a deep and advanced knowledge and understanding of vocabulary and synonyms or meanings of the words, especially homonyms.

•Questions need intermediate reading and comprehensive skills.

Strategy To Ace NDA 1 2024 English Section

•Rules of each Parts of Speech need to be studied thoroughly and in depth.

•Learn 10 to 15 new words along with their respective antonyms and synonyms daily.

•Make it a fun activity to learn Idioms & Phrases easily by knowing their origin stories.

•Read good English newspapers (daily), books, journals, magazines, blogs.

•Refer to good English Grammar and Vocabulary books and Thesaurus for better knowledge and understanding.

•Try to stick to the schedule as strictly as possible.

•Revise and practice English grammar and vocabulary regularly.

•Follow the study materials or any notes made by you, during Revision.

•Practise Mock Test Series and various questions as many as you can.

•Practise solving Previous Years’ Question Papers of NDA English sections.

•Start studying with a fair amount of time in hand, to avoid last minute confusion and hassle.

•Don’t forget to relax!

NDA 1 2024 GAT English Live Classes

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Picture of Anuradha Dey

Anuradha Dey

Senior Lecturer, SSBCrackExams, M.A.(Psychology), M.A. English (Gold Medalist) from BHU; B.A. Hons from St. Xavier’s College (Kolkata). Poet, Writer & Translator. Certified Career Counselor. Knows Mandarin, German, English, Bengali & Hindi.

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