NDA 1 2024 Exam Math Live Sets Relations & Functions Class 4

In the pursuit of conquering the NDA (National Defence Academy) 1 2024 exam, mastering the mathematics section is pivotal. An integral part of this examination...

In the pursuit of conquering the NDA (National Defence Academy) 1 2024 exam, mastering the mathematics section is pivotal. An integral part of this examination is understanding and applying concepts related to Sets, Relations, and Functions. This article dives into a problem-based live class that centered on these fundamental mathematical pillars, aiming to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for success.

A Problem-Based Approach to Sets

Understanding Sets

Sets, the building blocks of numerous mathematical concepts, were thoroughly explored in this live class. Students immersed themselves in understanding set notations, subsets, universal sets, and the null set.

Sets can be defined as collections of distinct elements and can be represented in various ways, such as through rosters, set-builder notation, or Venn diagrams. The class also emphasized set operations like union, intersection, and complement, allowing students to solve problems with ease.

Navigating through Relations

Understanding Relations

Relations, which establish connections between elements of different sets, were another focal point of the live class. Students delved into understanding the types of relations, such as reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and equivalence relations.

Understanding these types of relations is crucial for various real-world applications. Equivalence relations, for instance, play a significant role in partitioning sets into meaningful subsets, aiding in a deeper comprehension of the data or elements involved.

Unraveling the Secrets of Functions

Understanding Functions (Domain and Range)

Functions, a specialized type of relation, were thoroughly explored in the live class. Students gained insights into domains, ranges, and mapping within the realm of functions.

The understanding of functions, particularly one-to-one and onto functions, is vital. One-to-one functions ensure that each input corresponds to a unique output, while onto functions ensure that the range covers the entire codomain.


The NDA 1 2024 exam highlighted the importance of Sets, Relations, and Functions within its mathematics syllabus. This article has shed light on a problem-based live class, providing students with a solid understanding of these foundational mathematical concepts. By delving into sets, relations, and functions, students are better equipped to tackle the exam with confidence, armed with a problem-based approach that sharpens their problem-solving skills. The live class offered a dynamic learning experience, paving the way for success in this crucial section of the NDA 1 2024 exam.

Picture of Ayush Kumar

Ayush Kumar

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