NDA 2021 Preparation (Shortcut Tricks) – NDA Study Plan

Many candidates who are preparing for the NDA 1 2021 and NDA 2 2021 exam have got a lot of time to prepare harder for...

Many candidates who are preparing for the NDA 1 2021 and NDA 2 2021 exam have got a lot of time to prepare harder for the exam. Preparation is the most important part of giving any exam. NDA exam, being a UPSC exam, is bound to be a bit tougher than school syllabus. And that will need some extra preparation. For those who want to try a new approach to the upcoming NDA exam, here is a step by step plan to prepare for the exam effectively.

NDA 2021 Preparation (Shortcut Tricks) – NDA Study Plan

NDA exam has two subjects General Ability Test and Mathematics. The NDA General Ability Test question paper has 150 questions of 600 marks and NDA Maths paper has 120 questions of 300 marks with time duration of 2.30 hours. One who clears the NDA exam will get a call letter for the 5 days SSB interview which has 900 marks, it includes three main test namely Psychology Tests, GTO, and Personal Interview. You can find the NDA question Paper pattern and other details below.

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NDA question paper has multiple choice questions and you need to mark the correct answer in the OMR sheet. Below you can find the complete details on NDA question paper syllabus for maths and general ability test.

NDA Maths PaperNDA General Ability Paper
Algebra, Trigonometry, Determinants and matrices, Analytical Geometry, Vector Algebra, Statistics and Probability, Differential calculus and Integral calculusEnglish – Vocabulary & GrammarGeneral Knowledge –
General Science
Current events

NDA Study Plan

Step 1: Introspect

Yes, this is the first step you are going to start with. Introspect where you stand, how much do you know, are you capable enough, do you need more practice, all these questions, you ask to yourself. The best way to do this is to pull out a previous year paper and solve it. The marks you score in this paper are the marks that you will be scoring in the upcoming exam without preparation.

Step 2: Gather syllabus, books and other materials

Collect all the previously asked papers, it is going to be very useful. Apart from this, keep NCERT textbooks in your proximity while preparing. Also, check our complete NDA 2021 Online course that will help you in your NDA exam preparation, the course covers 500+ lectures, note, study plans, mock test and mentor support.

Step 3: Identify your weak areas

Now that you have completed your introspection by solving previous papers, identify areas and topics in which you are weak. Make a list of all the topics in which you lag, ranking from weakest to weaker topic.

Step 4: Identify your strong areas

Just like you identify weak areas, also identify and make note of topics in which you scored well and are strong. This will help you in making a proper study plan. Rank these topics from strongest to stronger.

Step 5: Make a study plan

Now, this is dependent on a candidate and depends on how he wants to study for it. If you are a person who is not motivated enough, then you may start with strong areas and gradually move on to the weak areas. Start from the strongest areas and try to complete it within a week of time and gradually start preparing topics from the bottom list of the weak areas. Otherwise, if you are a motivated candidate then, you start with the weakest topics and gradually move on to the topics which are stronger.

Step 6: Set a timetable and space

Allocate your 10-12 hours of the day to NDA preparations. Also, set a space for you to study and utilize this space only to study. Nothing else. This will automatically give you the feel to study whenever you sit in that space.

Step 7: Improve Your English and GK

Best way? One word – newspaper. Period.

Step 8: Give yourself a deadline

For every topic, you prepare, allocate a deadline for that topic and try to complete it within that deadline. Naturally, weakest topics should be given more time and the strongest topics should be given least time. Also, keep two weeks prior to the exam only for the purpose of revising.

Step 9: Get sleep, exercise, and proper diet

When you are not studying for 10-12 hours, utilize the rest of the time to play, exercise and do some physical activity. This will clear your mind and will help you study better. Also, get sleep of minimum of 6 hours daily.

Download: SSB Interview eBook Pack


Studying for the written exam requires a study plan, preparations, exercise and a lot of smart and hard work. Anyone can clear the written exam if they are determined enough and follow the above steps. All the best.

11 thoughts on “NDA 2021 Preparation (Shortcut Tricks) – NDA Study Plan”

  1. Sir muchh se GAT ke paper mai achhchha score nahi ho pa rha hai phyiscs achhchhi hai meri english and gs chemitry and biology weak hai please reply how i am prepare the english & gs

  2. Sir .the syllabus says chemistry is included.but when I bought the online coaching of nda from ur website, chemistry and general science is not included in the lectures.is it because it’s not important or because it is too easy ??


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