Update: Physical standards and number of vacancies for women candidates would be notified after receipt from Govt. of India (Ministry of Defence) in due course of time.
UPSC has published the special NDA 2 2021 notification for the women aspirants. Only women aspirants who are looking forward to joining the National Defence Academy can apply for the NDA 2 2021 application from 24 Sep 2021 till 08 October 2021. The NDA 2 2021 written exam will be conducted on 14th November 2021. Many NDA aspirants were concerned about the number of seats/vacancies. The total seats will remain unchanged, both men and women aspirants will be competing for 400 Seats through NDA 2 2021.
Also Read: NDA 2 2021 Notification For Women [Apply Now]

Women aspirants do not have any special vacancies mentioned in the NDA 2 2021 notification as such. Total 400 seats are mentioned for both male and female aspirants. NDA 2 2021 will have a total of 400 seats as mentioned in the notification. 370 to include 208 for Army, 42 for Navy, and 120 for Air Force (including 28 for ground Duties). 30 for Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme).
After women are allowed in the NDA, the competition will definitely increase and only the best 400 men and women will be able to make it to the National Defence Academy for the 148th Course, and for the 110th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from 2nd July, 2022.
Vacancies are provisional and may be changed depending on the availability of training capacity of National Defence Academy and Indian Naval Academy.
A candidate is required to specify clearly in the Online Application Form the Services for which he wishes to be considered in the order of his preference [1 to 4]. He is also advised to indicate as many preferences as he wishes to opt so that having regard to his rank in the order of merit due consideration can be given to his preferences when making appointments.
Candidates should note that they will be considered for appointment to those services only for which they express their preferences and for no other service(s). No request for addition/alteration in the preferences already indicated by a candidate in his application will be entertained by the Commission.
Admission to the above courses will be made on the results of the written examination to be conducted by the Commission followed by intelligence and personality test by the Services Selection Board of candidates who qualify in the written examination.
How to prepare for the NDA Exam?
- Take the best NDA Exam Online Course by SSBCrackExams.
- Take the NDA Exam Mock Test Series to boost your prep.
3 thoughts on “NDA Exam Vacancies for Women Candidates”
Ohkk that’s Means we don’t have actual no. of women’s candidate we just know that there are only 400 vacancies
It’s so interest