Passing Out Parade Of 214 Young Gorkha Soldiers Held At 58 Gorkha Training Centre

The passing out parade of the 194th Recruit Training Batch of Gorkha Soldiers consisting of 214 recruits of 58 Gorkha Training Centre was held at...

The passing out parade of the 194th Recruit Training Batch of Gorkha Soldiers consisting of 214 recruits of 58 Gorkha Training Centre was held at Happy Valley, Shillong. It was reviewed by Brig Robi Kapoor Comdt 58 GTC.

passing out parade of 214 young gorkha soldiers held at 58 gorkha training centre

The Parade marks the culmination of rigorous recruit training during which young boys are transformed into physically fit, mentally robust and professionally competent young Soldiers of Indian Army.

In an impressive ceremony marked by immaculate turnout and precision marching, 130 recruits took the ‘Oath of Affirmation’. These young soldiers will now be dispatched to their battalions dedicated to serve and protect the motherland, according to a Press communique.

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The parade was reviewed by Brig Robi Kapoor, Officiating Commandant, 58 Gorkha Training Centre who congratulated the Young Soldiers for the successful completion of their training while also exhorting them to strive to be finest soldiers of Indian Army.


  • Motto: Different for various Regiments.
  • War Cry: “Jai Mahakali Ayo Gorkhali” (Hail goddess Kali, the Gorkhas are here)

Since the independence of India in 1947, as per the terms of the Britain–India–Nepal Tripartite Agreement, six Gorkha regiments, formerly part of the British Indian Army, became part of the Indian Army and have served ever since. The troops are mainly from ethnic Nepali Gurkhas of Nepal and ethnic Nepalese origin people known as Nepali Gorkha They have a history of courage in battle, evident from the gallantry awards won by Gorkha soldiers and battle honours awarded to Gorkha both before and after joining the Indian Army. A seventh Gorkha Rifles regiment was re-raised in the Indian Army after Independence to accommodate Gorkha soldiers of 7th Gurkha Rifles and the 10th Gurkha Rifles who chose not to transfer to the British Army. The Gorkha hat is wide brimmed, made of felt and is worn tilted.

Name of RegimentEstd. onMotto of the RegimentWar Cry of the Regiment
1 Gorkha Rifles1815“Kayar hunu bhanda marnu ramro” (Better to die than live like a coward)“Jai Ma Kali, ayo Gorkhali” (Hail Goddess Kali, here come the Gorkhas)
3 Gorkha Rifles1815
4 Gorkha Rifles1857
5 Gorkha Rifles (Frontier Force)1858“Shaurya Evam Nishta”                   (courage and determination)
8 Gorkha Rifles1824“Kayar hunu bhanda marnu ramro” (Better to die than live like a coward)
9 Gorkha Rifles1817
11 Gorkha Rifles1918-1922; from 1948“Yatraham vijayastatra”                      (Victory resides where I reside)

The Regimental Centres of Gorkha Regiments are situated around the major cities in India. Basically, there are 4 Gorkha Training Centres across major cities. They are:

  1. 11 Gorkha Rifles Regimental Centre (11 GRRC) located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  2. 14 Gorkha Training Centre (14 GTC) located in Sabathu, Himachal Pradesh
  3. 39 Gorkha Training Centre (39 GTC) located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
  4. 58 Gorkha Training Centre (58 GTC) located in Shillong, Meghalaya

Apart from this the Gorkha’s are mainly recruited from GRD (Gorkha Recruiting Depot) Kunraghat, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.

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