How to Present Your Pesronality in SSB Interview Center

Several people generally ask about should they prepare for SSB before facing it. Well, the answer is YES. But preparation is not always to dust...

Several people generally ask about should they prepare for SSB before facing it. Well, the answer is YES. But preparation is not always to dust off the old books and start scanning the pages. SSB preparation is of a different kind, where you have to evolve yourself and you have to make yourself suitable for it. People who have been attending SSBs know that outstanding academic record is not a preference of selection in SSB interview, a guy with average academic record and basics OLQs can clear the interview.

How to Present Your Pesronality in SSB Interview Center

How to Present Your Pesronality in SSB Interview Center

Developing personality is not easy as it is shaped by many factors like:

  • Way one is brought up
  • Educational qualifications and studies done
  • Family background and social status
  • Way of thinking and living and the people one is surrounded with

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Definitely this list is not exhaustive and can increase and also be assured that controlling such factors is not in our hands earlier but now you have full control and should work as below to achieve your goal for the development of personality and thus achieving success :

  • Live life with positivity: Life is very small and hence every second of it should be spent wisely. It should not be the case that one is wasting life. Positive thinking even at difficult situations can help in coming out and this approach changes the way one looks and live the life. Thus it helps in improving your psychological responses.
  • Controlled body language: body language is the reflection of ones personality before anyone can speak up things. It always help individual to perform better at places. It also tells many traits and thus assessors make it important tool to assess at SSB to know about one’s personality.
  • Self-introspection of self: This is a technique where one assess himself or herself w.r.t OLQ’s by studying life events. In times to come it will be the only key to success at SSB. Many a times aspirants have complaint to me by dropping personal mail that everyone says do introspection while guiding us but no one has done it for us and made our profiles while teaching or guiding in large groups. Suggestion for such people is that always look for individual guidance so that personality could be properly assessed and there is full time dedication for self.
  • Learning from failures: There is so much to do in today’s era that even if one failure comes one should pick up the learning and perform in the next go. There might be many dreams that will be fulfilled while others may not but one should move ahead with constant pace.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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