How to Recover from Territorial Army Exam Disappointment

Recently Indian Army has conducted its recruitment exam for Territorial Army 2016, candidates or applicants from all over the country have given their exams from...

Recently Indian Army has conducted its recruitment exam for Territorial Army 2016, candidates or applicants from all over the country have given their exams from their recommended exam centres. Every year the applicants are increasing for this entry and also the level of paper is also changing as the readers should already know that from this year onward mathematics and reasoning topics are also included in the syllabus of TA written exam. The minority of applicants are going to make it in the interview and majority are going to be rejected. The main reason for applicants to fail is there improper preparation, you cant take this entry casually, here you are competing with lakhs of applicants for available interview seats of few thousand. If you are not going to perform with your best then only thing you are going to face at the end of the exam is disappointment.

Territorial Army Exam Coaching

How to Recover from Territorial Army Exam Disappointment

anurag thakur territorial army

Here we are sharing few tips which can help disappointed candidates in recovering and gaining some confidence back.

Follow these steps to bounce back

  1. Forgive yourself: In life, things do not always go to plan. You may taken on too much pressure and struggled to engage with your TA exam preparation, or there may not even be a reason you can identify. Be mindful of the mark and how you feel about it. Notice your disappointment, then take a breath and let yourself off the hook. There is nothing wrong in trying again its the winners way.
  2. Put it in perspective: Remember that you have another chance to get through TA exam so dont exert your self on the past and start with basic.
  3. Think positive: Often TA aspirants place pressure on themselves to meet success. Over work sometimes can lead to disappointing mark. However, use this as an opportunity to show what you have learned and gained from that experience. Encourage your self for next challenge through positive thinking.
  4. Do a self analysis: Check and argue with reasons of failure it will give you an opportunity to review your performance for yourself. This may provide some clarity and closure.
  5. Seek feedback: If you notice a pattern of disappointing marks, it may be a good idea to seek further feedback. As this can be difficult after exams, consider avenues for feedback during your next TA exam.
  6. Take Coaching: Generally candidates are ashamed of taking coaching for TA exam because they think its in their potential area they can do it by them-self or how will they make time for the coaching beyond their daily curriculum etc. Well all we can say is make time and dont be ashamed, do what you haven’t done last time for next time.

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Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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