S-100 Camcopter UAS: A Breakthrough for the Indian Navy

Recently the Indian-based company Vem Technologies has joined hands with Austrian company Schiebel to develop and manufacture Camcopter S-100 in India. Book Your SSB Interview...

Recently the Indian-based company Vem Technologies has joined hands with Austrian company Schiebel to develop and manufacture Camcopter S-100 in India.

S 100 Camcopter
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Let us know more about S-100 Camcopter

The Austrian company Schiebel created and developed the unmanned air system (UAS) known as the Camcopter S-100. The unmanned system can be used for a wide range of tasks, including border and territorial water patrol, reconnaissance, search-and-rescue, countermeasures, anti-smuggling, route surveillance, convoy protection, psychological operations, damage assessment, monitoring pollution and oil spill, task forces, mapping of a minefield, and other command operations.

Features and Design of the S-100 Camcopter

The Camcopter S-100 UAS can operate in all weather and features autonomous vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability. It can carry out joint operations alone or as a component of an intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR) network.

Also read: Importance Of UAVs, Drones, And RPAS For Indian Armed Forces

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The unmanned system is 1,120mm tall, 3,110mm long, and 3,400mm in diameter at its primary rotor. The UA’s maximum takeoff weight is 200 kg, and its maximum payload and empty weight are 110 kg and 50 kg, respectively. The UAS has an exterior fuel tank and internal tanks that can hold 57l of gasoline. For use with any NATO grid, it can optionally be equipped with a harpoon deck capture device.

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There are two payload bays and an additional electronics bay on the Camcopter S-100 UAS. High-definition images are captured with the assistance of stabilized day and night electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensors and thermal surveillance equipment. These images are sent in real-time to the ground control station (GCS) via a line-of-sight data link with a 180km range.

Also Read: Complete List Of Drones Used By Indian Armed Forces

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schiebel camcopter s 100 1

Ground Control Station

A Ground Control Station (GCS) outfitted with two laptop computers, an intelligent interface, a control screen, and a control station control the Camcopter S-100 UAS. The unmanned system’s information is processed, retrieved, and stored by the GCS, which is also used to plan missions.

The UAS also has two side payload hard points and a Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver (ROVER) surveillance system. The system has Riegl VQ-820-GU Hydrographic Airborne Sensor, Thales I-Master Radar System, CORONA 350 Airborne Sensor, Shine Micro Automatic Identification System, an Inertial Navigation System (INS), and Global Positioning System (GPS) for navigation.

Schiebel camcopter S 100

The S-100 has recently been offered to the Indian Navy and can operate from any ship with a small helicopter landing deck or adequate area, even in adverse weather. As part of its tender for the Naval Ship-borne Unmanned Aerial System (NSUAS) Programme, the business intends to provide the S-100 to the Indian Navy. The S-100 is already in use by the French Navy, Indonesian Navy, Royal Thai Navy, and UK Coast Guard.

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Picture of Siddhant Sandhu

Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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