Territorial Army India, What it is?

In this article we are going to talk about territorial army India. If you are applying for TA entry which is also known as territorial...

In this article we are going to talk about territorial army India. If you are applying for  TA entry which is also known as territorial army entry, it is always helpful to do some homework and try to find out what is territorial army in Indian is all about. In this article we are giving detailed information on Territorial Army India. The Territorial Army was started by the Britishers in 1920 through Indian Territorial Act of 1920 and it was organised into two wings namely – ‘The Auxiliary Force’ for Europeans & Anglo-Indians, and ‘The Indian Territorial Force’ for Indian Volunteers.  After Independence Territorial Army Act was passed in 1948 and the Territorial Army was formally inaugurated by the first Indian Governor General Shri C Rajagopalachari on 09 Oct 1949.  This date is being celebrated as Prime Minister’s TA Day Parade every year. 

Total Strength of Territorial Army

  • Presently the Territorial Army has strength of approx. 40000 persons
  • Comprising of Departmental TA units such as Railway, IOC, ONGC, Telecommunication and General Hospital and the non Departmental TA units of Infantry Bn (TA) and Ecological Bn (TA) affiliated to various Infantry Regiments.

Territorial Army Units

  • Armed Regt
  • Infantry Battalion
  • Air Defence
  • Med Regt
  • Engineers Field Park Coy
  • Signal Regiment
  • EME Workshop
  • Coast Battery
  • ASC GT Coy
  • ASC Compo Pl
  • AMC Field Ambulance
  • Inf Bn (TA).

What is Territorial Army in India

Why Territorial Army India

  • In case of emergency such as natural calamities, state violence, maintenance of essential services, the territorial Army plays an important role to help the regular Indian army.

Territorial Army India at Present

  • With the strength of 40000 serving persons in territorial army comprising of departmental TA units such as Railway, IOC, ONGC, Telecommunication and General Hospital and the non-departmental TA units of Infantry Bn (TA) and Ecological Bn (TA) affiliated to various Infantry Regiments.

Territorial Army India Contribution

  • Actively involved in 1962, 1965 and 1971 operations.
  • The “Terriers” have also taken part in OP-PAWAN in Srilanka, OP RAKSHAK in Punjab & J&K, OP RHINO and OP BAJRANG in North East in a most active manner.
  • Departmental units came to the aid of the civil authorities during Industrial unrest and natural calamities, most famous being earthquake in Latoor (Maharastra), Uttarkashi in Garhwal Himalaya and the Super Cyclone in Orissa.
  • The Ecological units have arrested man made environmental degradation by planting 2.5 crore trees over 20,000 hectare of land in Mussoori Hills & Pithoragarh (UP), Bikaner & Jaisalmer (Rajasthan) and ravines of Chambal in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Men of TA have taken active part in various adventure activities, famous one being scaling of Mt Tengchen Khang (6010 Mtr) in West Sikkim by Jt-Indo-British TA Mountaineering Expedition in May 98.
  • The officer and men of the Territorial Army have been decorated for their gallantry and distinguished services. So for they have earned 02 Ati Vishisht Seva Medal (AVSM), 15 VSM, 05 Vir Chakra, 13 Sena Medal, 25 Mentioned-in-Despatches and 43 COAS commendation card.

Celebrities and Politicians in Territorial Army India

  • MS Dhoni (Cricketer)
  • Mohan Lal (Actor)
  • Sachin Pilot (Politician)
  • Abhinav Bindra (Olympian Gold Medalist Shooter)
  • Dr Deepak Rao (Indian military trainer, Scientist, Author)
  • Kapil Dev (Cricketer)
  • Many industrialists, politicians and eminent personalities have been members of the TA. The force also has the honour to appoint 11 officers as Hony ADC to the President of India.

In our next article we will talk more about:

  1. How to join territorial army India
  2. How to prepare for territorial army
  3. Territorial army syllabus
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