TES 52 Notification Indian Army 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme

TES 52 Notification: Indian Army will invite Applications for TES 52 from unmarried male candidates who have passed 10+2 examinations in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics...

TES 52 Notification: Indian Army will invite Applications for TES 52 from unmarried male candidates who have passed 10+2 examinations in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (hereinafter referred to as (PCM) subjects and appeared in JEE (Mains) 2023 examination and fulfil the eligibility conditions prescribed in the subsequent paragraphs, for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Army.

UpdateTES 52 Notification Published by Indian Army. Applications are invited from unmarried male Candidates who have passed10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (hereinafter referred to as PCM) subjects and appeared in JEE (Mains) 2023 examination and fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the subsequent paragraphs, for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Army.

Indian Army official website joinindianarmy.nic.in will invite applications from unmarried male candidates for the Course of Technical Entry Scheme commencing in the month of July 2024. Candidates who have appeared in the JEE Mains Examination and secured rank under the defined CRL (Common Rank List) will secure a seat to attend and give the SSB Interview. JEE Mains 2023 is a requirement for the TES 52 entry. In addition, you must have received at least 70% in PCM (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) in your 12th-grade class.

TES 52 (Technical Entry Scheme- 52st Course)

Online applications for TES-52 will open on the joinindianarmy.nic.in website. Applications are invited from unmarried Male Candidates who have passed the 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (Hereinafter referred to as PCM) subjects and fulfil the eligibility conditions prescribed in the subsequent paragraphs, for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Army after four years of Basic Military Training and Technical Training thereafter with the terms and conditions given in the succeeding paragraphs.

TES 52 Eligibility Criteria

•Online Applications for TES – 52 course is open on www.joinindianarmy.nic.in from 13/05/2024 till 13/06/2024.

•Applications are invited from unmarried Male Candidates who have passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Army after four years of Basic Military Training and Technical Training.

•Applicants are required to fill their application number for JEE MAINS 2023 for B.E/B.Tech courses in the application form.

Eligibility For TES (10+2) Entry 52 Course

AGE LIMIT: 16½ years – 19½ years i.e., the candidate should not be born before 02/07/2005 and not after 01/07/2008 (both days inclusive).


Only those candidates who have passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 60% marks in PCM from recognized education boards are eligible to apply for this entry.

Eligibility condition for calculating PCM percentage of various state /central boards will be based on marks obtained in Class XII only.

Candidate must have appeared in JEE (Mains) 2023.

Vacancies For TES (10+2) Entry 52 Course

Vacancies: 90

The Vacancies are provisional and can be changed depending on the training capacity at the Training Academy for this course. The vacancies are subject to increase/decrease keeping the organizational requirement at the point of time.

Selection Procedure For TES (10+2) Entry 52 Course

•Shortlisting of applications: Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) reserves the right to shortlist applications based on cut off percentage applied as decided. After shortlisting of candidates, the Centre allotment will be intimated to the candidate online. After allotment of Selection Centre, candidates will have to log in to the website and select their SSB dates on a first come first serve basis.

•SSB Interview: Only shortlisted eligible candidates depending on the cutoff percentage will undergo SSB at one of the Selection Centres i.e, Allahabad (UP), Bhopal (MP), Bengaluru (Karnataka) or Kapurthala (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and Interviewing Officer. Call Up letter for SSB interview will be issued by respective Selection Centres on candidate’s registered e-mail ID and SMS only.

•Merit list: It must be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB Interview does not confirm final selection. Merit List will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate at SSB Interview.Candidates recommended by the SSB and declared medically fit, will be issued joining letter for training in the order of merit, depending on the number of vacancies available.

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Procedure For Common Candidates: TES & NDA Entry

•Candidates who apply for 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme (TES) and National Defence Academy (NDA & NA) parallel courses need to undergo a medical examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers for the entries recommended.

•If only NDA Army is their preference, the TES candidates need not undergo NDA medical again.

•Candidates who are recommended for TES prior to their NDA SSB will have to undergo medical for TES and NDA (AF and Navy) separately. NDA medical examination will begin only after the candidate is declared FIT in TES medicals.

•Candidates who are recommended in NDA prior to SSB for TES need not undergo medical for TES separately. The Medical Status for TES (10+2) will be same as NDA (Army) medical examination. A candidate declared UNFIT in NDA will be considered UNFIT for TES as well.

Training For TES (10+2) Entry 52 Course

•Basic Military Training: 1 year (Officer Training Academy Gaya).

•Technical Training:

(i) Phase-I (Pre-Commission Training): 3 Years (CME Pune or MCTE Mhow or MCEME Secunderabad)

(ii) Phase-II (Post-Commission Training): 1 year (CME Pune or MCTE Mhow or MCEME Secunderabad.

Award of Degree: Candidates will be awarded Engineering degree after successful completion of the final examination.

Things To Consider For TES (10+2) Entry 52 Course

Type of Commission: On successful completion of 4 years of the course, cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt.

Seniority: Candidates will be granted seniority on overall order of merit of the three technical institutes combined i.e., CME, MCTE, MCEME and in case the date of commissioning coincides with that of IMA, Dehradun, they will be placed en-block junior to IMA (NDA/ ACC/ DE Course) but above TGC/ UES course.

How To Apply For TES (10+2) Entry 52 Course?

•Application will only be accepted online.

•To do so the candidate needs to click on the ‘online application’ button on website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in

Important Dates For TES (10+2) Entry 52 Course

TES 52 Application Start Date13 May 2024
TES 52 Application Closing Date13 June 2024
TES 52 SSB DatesAug/Sept 2024
TES 52 Merit ListDec 2024
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Picture of Divyanshu Pandey

Divyanshu Pandey

Senior Lecturer General Studies, SSBCrackExams, Cleared CDS 4 times, NDA 2 times, Ex- N.C.C. cadet, SSB Expert. Passionate Teacher, Trained defence aspirants for their SSB Interview, BSc in PCM expertise in Geography, Indian Polity, Current Affairs and Defence affairs. Writing Article and Travelling solo.

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