Top 10 Reasons You Are Getting Conferenced Out

Warm regards to all the fervid readers of our website. To solve any kind of problem in life, we need to first know the causes...

top 10 reasons you are getting conferenced out ssb interview

Warm regards to all the fervid readers of our website. To solve any kind of problem in life, we need to first know the causes of that problem. The same thing goes with the SSB interview. Unless we know the causes of our debacle, we won’t be able to rectify them. In this article we are going to enlist 10 common reasons why candidates get conferenced out.

Top 10 Reasons You Are Getting Conferenced Out

  • SELF CENTRED ATTITUDE DURING GROUP TASKS: – I simply do not understand why candidates try to project themselves as a very extraordinary chap during the group tasks. You don’t have to stand out in the group rather you are required to work as a very normal and determined team member.
  • LACK OF ZEAL TO PERFORM: – If you just perfunctorily finish all the tasks of the SSB interview, the results too would be demoralizing. Your enthusiasm, confidence, courage should be visible from your body language. You are there to steal the thunder, grab a place in the armed forces.
  • NEGATIVE ATTITUDE: – Being too much apprehensive, judgmental about the things at the SSB. When you want to complain, the points are plenty but these things will only lead you to oblivion.
  • POOR QUALITY RESPONSES/PRE LEARNT IDEAS AT PSYCH TESTS: – You need to understand that one size doesn’t fit all. Similarly one good response cannot fit in the personality of all the candidates. Also the quality of the responses must take precedence over the quantity.
  • NOT CONSTRUING THE TESTING APPROACH: – The three pronged approach ensures that the candidate is thoroughly scrutinized. One aspect of your personality is being checked in three different ways. Unless you develop the personality required, you will not see propitious results.
  • OVER CONFIDENCE: – No doubt you might be a national level sports champion, an outstanding public speaker but this doesn’t mean that you do not need any extra preparation for the SSB interview. Many candidates falter only due to their overconfidence.
  • POOR QUALITY OF EXPRESSION: – You ought to be really open about yourself in the SSB interview. Unless you write your responses unabashedly, unless you open up with the Interviewing Officer/GTO how would you be able to convince them to recommend you?
  • POOR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE/AWARENESS: – Giving excuses will not solve the problem. An officer in the armed forces is ought to know what is happening in and around his country.
  • LETTING NERVOUSNESS TAKE CONTROL: – No doubt this is the watershed moment you were waiting for but it is important to not let your heart beat, that droplet of sweat thwart your performance. Adequate preparation is the best way to get rid of anxiety and pressure.
  • HAVING INAPPROPRIATE BODY LANGUAGE: – The way you carry yourself, speak, walk, every single mannerism and gesture says a lot about you. The assessors are very astute to catch these minute details of your personality. I suggest candidates who just want to give SSB for the sake of it to avoid squandering their precious time and money on it.

This was all about common reasons for getting conferenced out at the SSB. I hope you all have enjoyed this article. Your suggestions and views are important to us. Keep Preparing Hard. JAI HIND!!!

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SSBCrackExams is a premium online portal for Indian Defence aspirants, helping them to achieve their dreams of joining Indian Defence forces.

4 thoughts on “Top 10 Reasons You Are Getting Conferenced Out”

  1. Please make an article on Number of regiments/squads of respective armed forces and Explanation on respective squads


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