How is US President Biden Playing ‘Pakistan Card’ Againts India?

US President Biden Playing Pakistan Card: According to a military veteran, America’s alleged signing of a defence treaty with Pakistan is a US ploy to...

US President Biden Playing Pakistan Card: According to a military veteran, America’s alleged signing of a defence treaty with Pakistan is a US ploy to punish India for not towing its line on the Russia-Ukraine dispute.

Pakistan Card Againts India

Pakistan Card: US President Playing ‘Pakistan Card’: Lieutenant Colonel Jasinder

The remarks of retired Lieutenant Colonel Jasinder Singh Sodhi of the Indian Army came amid claims in the neighboring country’s media that the Shehbaz Sharif government has given its approval for the signing of the Communication Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement with the United States.

Furthermore, the deal between the United States and Pakistan focuses on cooperative military exercises, combat training, access to navy and army bases, and the sale of defence equipment to Islamabad.

The timing of the agreement is noteworthy, coming barely a month and a half after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official visit to the US, where he was greeted warmly by the White House. Sodhi told Sputnik India on Tuesday that the US was furious with India because New Delhi had not toed the line that Washington desired on the Ukraine issue.

Pakistan Card: India’s Strategic Autonomy Did Not Go Down Well With America

According to him, whether it’s India’s continued imports of crude oil from Moscow, the expansion of its defence treaties with the Eurasian nation, or treating Russia as a true friend, New Delhi’s actions have not gone down well with the Americans. “Moreover, by deciding to conduct military exercises with Pakistan’s armed forces, knowing full well that the Islamic nation is an enemy of India,” Sodhi said.

India USA

The defence specialist brought everyone back in time to better comprehend the US strategy towards India. He emphasized that six years after independence, in 1953, Pakistan declared a desire to resolve the Kashmir dispute with India, despite the fact that the neighboring country was bankrupt at the time. As a result, Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru visited Lahore and met with his Pakistani counterpart, Mohammad Ali Bogra.

Pakistan Card: US Did Not Allow the Kashmir Dispute to Get Resolved

However, Sodhi alleged that the US did not allow this disagreement to be addressed because the US saw a huge financial opportunity in the event of conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. “As a result, the meeting between Nehru and Bogra fell through, and the Kashmir dispute has never been resolved,” he added.

US Did Not Allow the Kashmir Dispute to Get Resolved

According to Sodhi, the US began sending billions of dollars into Pakistan beginning in 1953, providing both financial aid and cutting-edge military weapons. As a result of the financial assistance provided by the United States, Pakistan’s economy surpassed that of India in the 1960s. Pakistan had a per capita income of $83.3 at the time, whereas India had a slightly lower per capita income of $82.2.

Returning to the present, Sodhi stated that the same thing is happening, as Washington has supposedly struck this significant pact with Islamabad. “A similar agreement was signed with New Delhi in 2018.” “America is once again playing the 1953 card, and tensions between India and Pakistan will rise,” Sodhi said.

Pakistan Card: America’s Main Focus Is Selling Weapons

Six of the world’s top ten arms manufacturers are based in the United States, according to the former Indian Army officer, and America will go to any length to give weapons to any country where it sees a profit opportunity.

Sodhi noted that since the end of World War II in 1945, Washington has directly or indirectly participated in 105 wars/conflicts by giving financial aid or defence equipment.

This is best illustrated by the case of Ukraine, where America has given practically all types of military equipment, including the Patriot surface-to-air missile system, tanks, artillery cannons, fighter jets, and so on. As a result of their massive armaments business, Sodhi believes that whenever there is a problem somewhere on the earth, the Americans are usually present in some way or another.

Pakistan Card: American Help Would Embolden Pakistan

He observed that the same procedure was now being followed by signing this pact with Pakistan. It ensures that Pakistan will receive the latest armaments from the US for the next 15 years.

“As Islamabad begins to receive more weapons systems from Washington, the morale of Pakistan’s armed forces will rise, and we have seen in history that whenever the Americans have provided such financial aid or military equipment to India’s neighboring country, it has become emboldened and has always caused more trouble for New Delhi.” As a result, the implications of this agreement are grave for India,” Sodhi explained.

Pakistan F 16
Pakistani F-16

He stated that the US is unconcerned about irritating India because Washington’s primary concern is commercial gain. It recognised a tremendous financial potential in Pakistan when striking the defence pact with Islamabad, thus America went for this deal.

Sodhi alluded to the former Soviet Union as a superpower in another historical example. “We all remember when the Soviet Union was a superpower and the US was threatened by its growing influence in the world, and it formed an alliance with China”.

Pakistan Card: The US is Using India as a Pawn Against China

He stated that in 1972, then-US President Richard Nixon visited Beijing and stated that this one week would alter the globe because the Americans sought to downplay the USSR at the time by developing a strong connection with China.

Sodhi emphasized that the same thing is happening now, with China being America’s number one adversary. That is why the White House is pledging significant support to Delhi in the expectation that Beijing would be checked, as the Soviet Union was by forming an alliance with India.

“The United States’ domestic interests are always paramount.” Any other country, whether in economic sleep or battling terrorism or poverty, doesn’t matter as long as the commercial interests of Americans are protected,” he concluded.

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