Watch Captain Sania Led the Women Team To De-Launch 60 Feet Bailey Bridge In A Day

After the successful de-launch of 50 ft SSBB at Km 32 on 06 Dec 2021, the women team again created history by de-launching a 60...

After the successful de-launch of 50 ft SSBB at Km 32 on 06 Dec 2021, the women team again created history by de-launching a 60 ft SSBB at Km 43 on 23 Jan 2021. This women team of 105 RCC is making history time and again and doing wonders which never happened before. Another successful de-launch happened on 23 Jan 2021 without any mishap or injury. The 60 ft SSBB was constructed on 02 Jan 1986 during the period of crisis. A few years back a pmt replacement bridge was constructed and the Bailey bridge was not in use. The women team de-launched 35 years old Bailey Bridge successfully.

  • Limited clear backspace for de-launching the bridge.
  • Use of machine was not possible and the whole operation was carried out manually.
  • Chances of injury during the operation is high as the parts of Bailey Bridge is too heavy to be carried.

In spite of all the above conditions, the team of ladies was fully motivated and carried out the de-launch successfully. The de-launching operation was led by Capt Sania under the supervision of OC, 105 RCC, EE (Civ) Obing Taki. Both the lady officers worked on the ground with the women team rubbing their shoulders, from lifting panels to pulling bridge.

The task was completed in a day and now this bridge can be used at places where needed. The same was praised by all higher officials.

Captain Sania belongs to Reasi, Jammu, and Kashmir. She joined the OTA Chennai in 2018 after achieving AIR-1 in her SSB interview.

Sunia Rajput
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