What is the role of Weapon Systems Officer “Wizzo” in the Air Force?

“Wizzo” or weapon system officer(WSO) is an air flight officer which involved in all the operations and weapon systems of the aircraft. Their work includes...

“Wizzo” or weapon system officer(WSO) is an air flight officer which involved in all the operations and weapon systems of the aircraft. Their work includes managing sensors and weapons of the aircraft while gathering the information basically WSO has to do everything that pilot cannot do while flying the aircraft avoiding enemy missiles radars e.t.c.,

On Indian Air Force Day, which is October 8, 2022, the government has given the go-ahead for the Indian Air Force (IAF) to start a new branch called the Weapon Systems (WS) branch.

In this article, we are going to discuss the roles and duties of WSO (Weapon System Officer)  and WSO of the U.S.A and U.K

The WSO is a pretty busy job with a number of responsibilities. In most cases, WSO handles the radio communication system until and unless there was some task assigned by the pilot. WSOs are seated directly right to the pilot and incorporate with the pilot throughout the mission, they are responsible in all the phases of the mission, sometimes they can also pilot the aircraft when there is a necessity mostly during the non-tactical part of the mission.

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Their work has not always been this flexible historically they have very rigid duties that are simply because of the display, weapons, and controls in the front of particular seats and positions of the fighter cockpit but now. In the latest fighters either aircrew is also in control of detecting, targeting, and engaging air-to-air targets or ground targets, performing communications, and operating data-link or defensive systems supported by the tactical situation. This provides the flexibility for pilot and WSO roles to be customized supported experience, expertise, workload, tactics, and weapons being employed. The pilot remains accountable for flying the aircraft in tactical situations. WSOs who are assigned to bomber aircraft have more rigid roles.

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Weapon System Officers of the United States Of America


In US Navy, the naval flight officers are the Weapon System officers or WSOs.

Naval flight officers, or NFOs, are commissioned officers in the United States Navy and Marine who are specialized in airborne weapon and sensor systems. The F/A-18F Super Hornet Strike Fighter’s weapon systems are manned by NFOs.

Before the introduction of the F/A-18F Super Hornet Strike Fighter, they were called radar intercept officers (RIO) who operates from the aft seats of the F-4 Phantom II, in the right seat of the A-6 Intruder and A-3 Skywarrior as Bombardier/Navigators (B/N), and also in the aft seat of the A-5 Vigilante; and as reconnaissance Attack Navigators (RAN),  of the RA-5C Vigilante.


In the Marine corps of the United States, “WSOs” is the naval flight officers serving as the aft crew members of the F/A-18D Hornet.

But before the introduction of the F/A-18D, they served as Radar Intercept Officers (RIO) in the aft seat of the F-4 Phantom II, Reconnaissance Systems Officers (RSO) in the aft seat of reconnaissance aircraft like the RF-4B Phantom II, and Bombardier/Navigators (B/N) in the right seat of the A-6 Intruder.


In the US airforce, WSO refers to the aft crewman of an F-15 E Strike Eagle.

Within the B-1B Lancer bomber, there are 2 weapon systems for manning crew positions aft of the pilot and co-pilot. They are referred to as the Offensive Systems Officer (OSO), and Defensive Systems Officer (DSO).  In the F-111 Aardvark strike bomber( Now-retired) which is flown by the US Air Force and Royal Australian Air Force, the WSO was seated to the right of the pilot/aircraft commander.

The WSO integrates with the pilot to collectively achieve and maintain crew efficiency, situational awareness, and mission effectiveness, the WSO even can pilot the aircraft when required, although this can be typical during non-tactical portions of the mission.

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Weapon System Officers of the United Kingdom


In the Royal Air Force, a WSO is a commissioned officer that operates aircraft mission systems previously on the Tornado GR4, but now on Boeing Rivet Joint, the Reaper, Sentinel R1 drones,  Boeing E-3 Sentry, and the Boeing P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft.

The tasks of a Weapon Systems Operator include the management of troops, operating cutting-edge surveillance technology, or manning the defensive weapon systems. Weapon Systems Operators play an important role in protecting the security of the United Kingdom and its allies.

The main roles of weapon system officers in RAF are

  1. They have to manipulate the complex sensor suites and communications equipment in order to derive the tactical and strategic intelligence for the warfighter and military commanders.
  2. Weapon Systems Operators are also  responsible for assisting in the operation
  3. Which the transportation of military troops and supplies in and out of combat areas is difficult (the air mobility is complex)
  4. And to support the Helicopter transport aircraft to ensure the effective delivery of their payloads for the warfighter and military commanders.

Also Read: New Weapon Systems (WS) Branch Approved For IAF Officer

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Recently in 2020, Tejaswi Ranga Rao became the first woman weapon’s systems officer in the Sukhoi-30 fleet, which is one of the Indian Air Force’s frontline fighter jets. She finished her schooling in Chennai, and after finishing her schooling her family moved to Bangalore after that she pursued BSc in Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Genetics. During her BSc, she also enrolled in the National Cadet Corps (NCC).

She graduated from the Navigation Training School of the Indian Air Force With the appointment of Tejaswi Ranga Rao, India joins the list of other countries, just like the UK and the US, to possess women wizzos within the Air Force.

Also Read: Meet IAF’s First Female Su-30 Fighter Weapon System Operator Flight Lieutenant Tejaswi


In the above article, we discussed the role of weapon system officers or wizzo in the Indian Airforce, their duties, nature of their job.

We also discussed the weapon system officers of unites States’ navy marine corps, air force, and United Kingdom’s Royal Air force.

It can be concluded that the work of weapon systems is definitely not an easy one. It requires skills knowledge and experience. Their duties are not only limited to providing assistance to the pilot but also gathering information and managing sensors and radars

And sometimes they even have to fly the aircraft (mostly in the non-tactical part of the mission).

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SPECIAL NOTE: The Indian Air Force has already been recruiting officers for the Flying and Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) and Meteorology Entry branches. The Indian Air Force will also start recruiting for the New Weapon Systems (WS) branch through the AFCAT 1 2023 Exam as time goes on.

Want To Join the Indian Air Force as a Weapons Systems officer?

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