Women CDS 2017 OTA Entry Required Age Educational Physical Standards

In 1992, an important landmark in the history of Indian Army was the induction of women into the officer cadre, and the onerous task of...

In 1992, an important landmark in the history of Indian Army was the induction of women into the officer cadre, and the onerous task of training them was undertaken by the Officers Training Academy. So far, more than 1200 Lady Cadets have already been commissioned into the various Arms and Services of the Indian Army.

Women CDS 2017 OTA Entry Required Age Educational Physical Standards


The procedure for becoming a lady officer in army is same as the followed for the men. The candidates have to clear a written exam CDS Written Exam, After getting selected in the initial process i.e. written or getting shortlisted, SSB calls are made. The women are called for SSB(Service Selection Board) at various selection Centers of Indian Army, and after getting recommended in the SSB ,which is gain a two stage process where after clearing stage one you are advanced for Stage II, medical examination is done of successful candidates. The All India Merit List decides the final entry, based on the vacancies.

cds exam coaching ota

Women’s Age Criteria for CDS OTA

Unmarried women are eligible and they should haven been born not earlier than 2nd January 1992 and not later than 1st January 1998.

Women’s Education Criteria for CDS OTA

The aspirants should possess graduation degree in any discipline from a recognized university or institute.

Women’s Physical Standards for CDS OTA

The applicants must be physically fit as per physicals standards for seeking admission to the Combined Defense Services Examination.

How to Apply for CDS OTA Entry

  • First log-on to the official website or click here 
  • Then Click on Apply online for various UPSC Exam or click here.
  • After that Find your CDS 2017 Exam Click Apply online link.
  • Enter your Detail which is asked on page & submit it.
  • Complete the payment of Application Fee.
  • Take Print out of application form for future uses.

How to Prepare for CDS OTA Entry

In SSBCrackExams we have launched our cds exam online coaching course by analyzing the need of present cds exam aspirant. We not only stick to the strict topic wise plan but also provide the tracker to analyzie the learning curve of the candidates, we assume there is less improvement when there is not feedback, our onlince course has high end reporting system which helps you to understand you weak and stronger sections of cds exam topics, this will not only help you to improve on those topics, but also save lot of time to focus on other things, may be another exam you are preparing for. You can check out more details on cds exam coaching online.

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SSBCrackExams is a premium online portal for Indian Defence aspirants, helping them to achieve their dreams of joining Indian Defence forces.

25 thoughts on “Women CDS 2017 OTA Entry Required Age Educational Physical Standards”

  1. Sir,
    This is kavita kumari i m pursuing my mba after the completion of my graduadion in b.com (honors) n i want to apply for cds. So, is a b.com studend is eligible for cds?
    And i also want to know that how much height is required for cds?

  2. I m simmi,
    I m very much passionate to joint Indian army so I need a great guidance for it. Can I very full information for Ota.

  3. I Am a passed out engineering student and how to fill my education details During apply in the application form. Because of I have only cgpa I don’t know about my percentage marks per semester. How can I apply that particular fields

  4. I’m interested in this job.. OTA female candidate.. I’m final year student..i will be passing 2018..So can I join OTA ..please help me sir

  5. sir , i was born in oct 1998 ….n i m persuing graduate final year …n my passing final year will be 2018…..so am i eligible to give exam in coming year 2018 cds 1 ota exam february ?

    • Sir i was born on 24th July 1999 and my graduation in running 2nd year ND me 3rd year me exam de sakte h ya fir after graduation ke baad plz tell me sir

    • You dont need coaching to clear these exams. Just go through the syllabus and prepare yourself. These exams are very easy.


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