10 Tips To Boost Your AFCAT 2 2017 Exam Performance

AFCAT exam is now weeks away from its conducting day, candidates must give their all for the exam preparation specially brush up their personal notes....

AFCAT exam is now weeks away from its conducting day, candidates must give their all for the exam preparation specially brush up their personal notes.

AFCAT 2 2017 Online Coaching

AFCAT Coaching

10 Tips To Boost Your AFCAT 2 2017 Exam Performance


  1. Check the venue and time of the exam to make sure that you have not confused the day/time/venue.
  2. Head to the exam with plenty of time. A lot of unexpected events can happen on your way there and you do not want to be late!
  3. If there are people around who are panicking, avoid them. They are not doing you any favour!
  4. Remember to write your name and all credentials on the exam paper. You would not believe how many people have forgotten to do it!
  5. Read all the questions carefully before starting and quickly plan how much time to allocate to each. Start answering the questions that you feel most confident about. There is no need to answer the questions in order
  6. Don’t spend more time than you planned on a particular section/question or you might run out of time to answer other questions and gain those extra marks! Also, leave any questions that you are unsure about for the end.
  7. Never try to cheat, perform your best without thinking of the end result. Remember an officer can never cheat (“An Officer can fail many times but he wins only with right means”- Jayendra Pratap Singh), and you are sitting there for securing that position only.
  8. Gain more command over the last section of paper. There is a section which generally comes at the end of the paper – one which involves shapes. You can easily score at this section and you also don’t need to practice a lot. Understand the concept and logic behind those questions.
  9. Read a lot, it will help you in the English section, as this carries maximum weightage and is considered the most deadly among aspirants. There are no specific resources. However, I would recommend reading The Hindu Editorials and Reader’s Digest.
  10. Use every minute of the exam and if you have time left, review your answers before handing back the paper.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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