10 Tips To Crack AFCAT 1 2024 with Self-Preparation at Home

AFCAT Preparation: The official notification of AFCAT 1 2024 will be released in the month of December 2023 and AFCAT 1 2024 Exam will be conducted...

AFCAT Preparation: The official notification of AFCAT 1 2024 will be released in the month of December 2023 and AFCAT 1 2024 Exam will be conducted in February 2023 for Indian Air Force Aspirants. The registration will start soon on CDAC AFCAT website.

You have only few months left for your AFCAT 1 2024 preparation, As AFCAT is conducted by the Indian Air Force twice a year Indian Air Force and many aspirants appear to clear the examination and join the Air Force Academy and get commissioned as an India Air Force Officer.

Also Read: AFCAT 1 2024 Notification – Syllabus, Age Limits, Eligibility Criteria & Exam Date

This exam brings an opportunity for both male and female to join the academy and live a life less ordinary. In this article, we will discuss some tips to Crack AFCAT 2024 with self-preparation at home.

Want To Join Indian Air Force and Prepare For The AFCAT Exam?

1. First of all, open the previous year papers and go through them well. This will help you to understand the pattern of questions they ask because many candidates start preparing all the topics in great detail due to which they end up wasting a good amount of time that can be used smartly to clear the examination.

2.  Note down all the important topics and do not start studying directly, make a daily schedule and start following that. This way you will be covering a vast syllabus in a particular period at a good pace. Many students use the basic method in which they start studying all the subjects one by one, they start with great energy in the starting but after studying or completing some of the subjects they lose their motivation and their energy decreases. Because they might find the syllabus extremely vast if they use this method but if they divide it and then study according to the schedule then they will find it appropriate and finish it accordingly with the same energy.

3. Resources – AFCAT 1 2024 Exam online course by SSBCrackExam is available in the market to prepare for AFCAT 1 2024. Start your AFCAT Exam preparation today with SSBCrackExams. With 1500+ video lectures & 3000+ practice sets, this course aims to deliver to the students strong content & detailed explanation on complex subjects from Numerical Ability, English, Reasoning & Military Aptitude, General Knowledge & General Sciences. This all-inclusive course, therefore, prepares a student with all the necessary requirements for acing higher scores in the written test & pursuing their dreams.

4. How to study – Follow the Best Strategy and AFCAT 1 2024 Study Plan And Analysis. Now you have seen the previous year’s paper, you have an idea of the questions asked in the examination. Note down the important points in a separate notebook or underline those points. Try to skip the articles and other extra words present in the content. Example – Dogs were buried with their masters in the Mesolithic period. Do not underline the whole sentence. Only highlight dogs, buried, Mesolithic. By using this way you are not giving burden to your brain, one side you are reading the whole sentence but here you are reading only two words, if you are underlining the whole sentences you will end up having a whole big paragraph to remember but if you use this method, you have to remember some odd lines made up of these highlighted points. It’s easy for your brain to remember that.

5. Once you read and highlighted these points, before starting a new topic you should revise whatever you have studied before. It is the most important factor to remember what you have studied, many times students are confident when they study something because they are understanding the topic that brings confidence In them, they feel that they can attempt any question easily from that topic but once they read and done with that topic they do not revise that which result into forgetting the important points asked in the examination that they have already studied.

6 . Use your weekends wisely – Weekends are used by people to refresh themselves and to enjoy themselves with their friends. Being a defence aspirant, you have to use your time wisely. You should also enjoy your weekends but it is suggested to do that for some hours rather than enjoying for the whole day because Saturdays and Sundays are very crucial to revise and practice whatever you have studied for the whole week. You should revise the whole content on Saturdays and keep Sundays for practice by solving questions and Attempting mock papers of AFCAT 1 2024 Test Series by SSBCrackExams to boost your score.

7. Mock papers –  Attempting mock papers of AFCAT 1 2024 Test Series by SSBCrackExams to boost your score. They are very important to check your preparation and to find out where are you lacking. If you keep on studying all the time without practicing anything and directly go to examination you will end up losing marks. You should attempt mock papers offline or online to check where do you stand and to improve yourself. It also trains your mind to attempt all the questions in the given frame of time by doing this you will never run short of time during the examination, your mind will have an automatic idea of time even without having a watch.

8. Keep practicing – Today’s biggest blessing is the technology we all have, we should make use of it. Aspirants can download SSBCrackExams App applications present on the internet for free. They can select the exams they are preparing for. After this, each and every detail like syllabus, previous year paper, doubt section, the topic-wise study material is made visible to the student.  A   student is advised to practice section-wise MCQ continuously and mock tests on weekends too. AFCAT 1 2024 Exam online course by SSBCrackExam

9. The AFCAT marking scheme is 3 marks for the right answer, -1 mark for the wrong answer, and Understand the marking scheme well, do not attempt questions blindly. Only attempt the questions you know because negative marking is there. Calculate the number of questions you have attempted correctly during the examination and how many marks you need to get desired marks. Example – You have attempted 40 questions correctly, you are sure about them but you need 5-10 more marks in order to get into the merit. You can attempt some more questions about which you are 50% sure, never attempt a blind guess.

10. Last but not the least point is to be sincere towards whatever you study. Study with the same concentration and energy from the starting to the end. Do not lose your motivation, stay focused to clear something like  AFCAT,  difficulties might come in the starting but using your willpower, stamina, problem-solving abilities to overcome those problems and solve problems in seconds will become your habit.

All the tips mentioned above are highly useful to crack AFCAT 1 2024 by taking coaching at SSBCrackExam and prepare from home and Scoring 200+ marks. Many students have cracked the examination by using the strategies discussed above and you can do that too. Just analyze the pattern, prepare the blueprint, start following it sincerely with the same motivation and energy from the starting to the end as discussed in the article and you will surely achieve what you are aspiring for.    

Picture of Annu Bharti

Annu Bharti

All India Best NCC Cadet, Cleared CDS & AFCAT thrice, Attended 4 SSBs. An amateur researcher and an avid reader.

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