19 Seats Reserved For Female Candidates at National Defence Academy For First Female Batch

There is a total of 19 seats out of 400 seats are reserved for girls who are taking part in NDA 148 course which is...

nda girls number of seats

There is a total of 19 seats out of 400 seats are reserved for girls who are taking part in NDA 148 course which is going to be the first female batch at National Defence Academy. 10 Army seats, 3 Navy seats, and 6 Air Force seats are reserved for female candidates for NDA 148 course. The number of vacancies for girls may or may not change in future courses.

NDA (II) – 2021. Total Number of applications received – 5,75,856. The total number of applications received from female candidates – 1,77,654. Necessary infrastructure and facilities for the training of female candidates are in place.

Medical standards have been notified in the UPSC notification. Physical standards will be finalized before the commencement of training.

There was no restriction on the number of female applicants who could apply for the 2021 National Defence Academy Examination.

In continuation of the Corrigendum dated 24.09.2021, which was issued by the Commission in compliance with the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order dated 18.08.2021 in WP (C) No.1416/2020 filed by Shri Kush Kalra vs UOI and Others permitting women candidates to participate in the NDA & NA Examination (II), 2021, it is hereby informed that the Ministry of Defence has furnished the following revised vacancy position thereby earmarking vacancies for women:

Army – 208 (including 10 for female candidates)
Navy – 42 (including 3 for female candidates)
Air Force:-
Flying – 92 (including 2 for female candidates)
GD Tech – 18 (including 2 for female candidates)
GD Non Tech – 10 (including 2 for female candidates)

Naval Academy – 110 – 30 (for male candidates only)

Total 400

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Also Read: 177654 Girls Applied For The National Defence Academy

How to prepare for the NDA Exam?

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5 thoughts on “19 Seats Reserved For Female Candidates at National Defence Academy For First Female Batch”

  1. जब आपका मोबाईल अॅप open करते है तब वो
    Fees भरने के लिए कहते ,
    क्या इसके लिए option नही है क्या !


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