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33 Most Commonly Asked Synonyms For AFCAT 2021

Synonyms constitute one of the important sections in English (Verbal Ability) Part of the AFCAT examination. Below is a list of 33 most commonly asked questions that you can expect...

Synonyms constitute one of the important sections in English (Verbal Ability) Part of the AFCAT examination. Below is a list of 33 most commonly asked questions that you can expect from the Synonyms section for your upcoming AFACT 2021 examination, as per the last five years’ AFCAT exam trend.

  • Allegiance
    • Loyalty
    • Violence
    • Disloyalty
    • Treachery

      Ans. (a) Loyalty.

  • Abash
    • Dauntless
    • Ashamed
    • Intrepid
    • Honest

       Ans. (b) Ashamed.

  • Altruism
    • Selfishness
    • Deceitful
    • Selflessness
    • Scepticism

        Ans. (c) Selflessness.

  • Poltroon
    • Pusillanimous
    • Gallant
    • Gutsy
    • Wearied

        Ans. (a) Pusillanimous.

  • Rostrum
    • Guardian
    • Podium
    • Device
    • Scheme

        Ans. (b) Podium.

  • Prorogue
    • Adjourn
    • Convene
    • Rally
    • Continue

      Ans. (a) Adjourn.

  • Barge
    • Shove
    • Shout
    • Interpret
    • Plead

      Ans. (a) Shove.

  • Cherubic
    • Elderly
    • Lowness
    • Adorable
    • Hardheaded

      Ans. (c) Adorable.

  • Hummock
    • Tranquillity
    • Slab
    • Hammer
    • Knoll

      Ans. (d) Knoll.

  • Ameliorate
    • Improve
    • Disapprove
    • Appreciate
    • Discourage

      Ans.  (a) Improve.

  • Haggle
    • Struggle
    • Bargain
    • Advise
    • Acknowledge

      Ans. (b) Bargain.

  • Morose
    • Ill-tempered
    • Well-behaved
    • Kind-hearted
    • Cunning

      Ans. (a) Ill-tempered.

  • Taciturn
    • Talkative
    • Uncommunicative
    • Clever
    • Bad-tempered

      Ans. (b) Uncommunicative.

  • Cajole
    • Deceive
    • Kind
    • Suspect
    • Humour

       Ans. (a) Deceive.

  • Idiocy
    • Madness
    • Happiness
    • Wisdom
    • Repentance

       Ans. (a) Madness.

  • Harbinger
    • Remarkable
    • Omen
    • Meritorious
    • Overwhelming

      Ans. (b) Omen.

  • Passé
    • Out of date
    • Forthcoming
    • Fashionable
    • Predictable

      Ans. (a) Out of date.

  • Preposterous
    • Formal
    • Judicious
    • Ridiculous
    • Ceremonious

      Ans. (c) Ridiculous.

  • Dissemble
    • Disagree
    • Shake
    • Impeccable
    • Conceal

      Ans. (d) Conceal.

  • Raucous
    • Flavourful
    • Jarring
    • Boisterous
    • Evil

      Ans. (b) Jarring.

  • Abrogate
    • Put an end to
    • Elope
    • Gatecrash
    • Send away

       Ans. (a) Put an end to.

  • Abdicate
    • Join
    • Search
    • Advance
    • Renounce

      Ans. (d) Renounce.

  • Acrimony
    • Spleen
    • Courtesy
    • Oriented
    • Scarce

      Ans. (a) Spleen.

  • Embellish
    • Employ
    • Arrange
    • Decorate
    • Design

       Ans. (c) Decorate.

  • Damp Squib
    • Insignificant happening
    • An old technique
    • Unsuccessful attempt
    • Short, shrill cry

        Ans. (a) Insignificant happening.

  • Anathema
    • Religious chant
    • Pun
    • Musical subject
    • Curse

        Ans. (d) Curse.

  • Debilitate
    • Weaken
    • Attack
    • Surmount
    • Destroy

        Ans. (a) Weaken.

  • Penchant
    • Liking
    • Eagerness
    • Disability
    • Keenness

        Ans. (a) Liking.

  • Nebulous
    • Tiny
    • Vague
    • Insignificant
    • Inadequate

        Ans. (b) Vague.

  • Sporadic
    • Epidemic
    • Whirling
    • Occasional
    • Stagnant

        Ans. (c) Occasional.

  • Genesis
    • Style
    • Beginning
    • Movement
    • Relevant

        Ans. (b) Beginning.

  • Intransigent
    • Authoritative
    • Impersonal
    • Strenuous
    • Unbending

        Ans. (d) Unbending.

  • Intimidate
    • Mislead
    • Misplace
    • Frighten
    • Demoralise

         Ans. (c) Frighten.

These were, in short, the most commonly asked questions that you can easily expect for your upcoming AFCAT 2021 exam. Not only that, you can also follow these questions & learn the words & remember them for the other defence competitive exam preparation for Synonym section in English.  

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