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6 Must Know Tips to Crack CDS English Exam

The objective type question paper includes various topics of elementary mathematics. Candidates should have posses knowledge about these topics. In this article we are sharing 6 Must Know Tips to...

The objective type question paper includes various topics of elementary mathematics. Candidates should have posses knowledge about these topics. In this article we are sharing 6 Must Know Tips to Crack CDS English Exam


 6 Must Know Tips to Crack CDS English Exam


1) GRAMMAR PREPARATION: It is very much important to focus on the Grammar part of English as it can be improved only through practice. Grammar includes the following few aspects in itself which should be understand by the candidates in an effective manner:-

  • Idioms
  • Phrases
  • Antonyms
  • Synonyms
  • Sentence completion
  • Re-arranging sentences
  • Spelling check
  • Spotting the errors, etc.

2) VOCABULARY: Regular use of English words is very much important for making improvement in it. English newspaper and English news channels are the best example for improving the vocabulary section.

3) COMPREHENSION: Proper reading is of great importance. Reading section demands the full attention and concentration. Here are few tips that can help in building the more comprehension level:-

  • Highlight the important points
  • Read the Questions carefully so that answers can be find easily.
  • Read thoroughly
  • More focus on the starting and at the end.
  • Give full concentration

4) SENTENCE FORMATION: Sentence formation is very important aspect because it is necessary that the sentence conveys its best meaning. Sentence should be in a clear and concise manner so that it can be easily understandable. Sentence should be complete so that it can be understood.

5) USE A DICTIONARY: Dictionary is known as the bank of words. It helps in finding out the meanings of different words. It also tells us about the meaning of words in different languages.

6)  LISTENING: Listen to speeches or watch movies and/or documentaries with subtitles. This increases knowledge of spoken english and comes in handy while attempting sentence completion and para-jumbles. Do it for 30 minutes daily.

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