AFCAT 1 2024 Exam Reasoning Live – Figure Completion

As aspirants gear up for the AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) and CDS (Combined Defence Services) exams in 2024, navigating the Reasoning section becomes...

As aspirants gear up for the AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) and CDS (Combined Defence Services) exams in 2024, navigating the Reasoning section becomes a focal point of preparation. Among the diverse segments of Reasoning, Figure Completions present a unique challenge, requiring a profound understanding of visual patterns. This article delves into the intricacies of AFCAT-CDS 1 2024 Exam Reasoning – Figure Completions, shedding light on crucial concepts, problem-solving strategies, and the art of deciphering visual wholeness.

Understanding Figure Completions

Essential Concepts of Figure Completions

1. Visual Wholeness: Comprehending the concept of visual completeness within figures and its significance in completions.

2. Pattern Continuation: Recognizing patterns and sequences within figure series and applying this understanding to complete figures.

3. Symmetry and Asymmetry: Understanding the role of symmetry and asymmetry in completing figures and maintaining visual balance.

4. Sequential Logic: Applying sequential logic to complete figures cohesively, ensuring a logical and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Solving Previous Year’s Figure Completions

In preparation for the AFCAT-CDS 1 2024 Exam, mastering Figure Completions involves the application of fundamental concepts.

Visual Wholeness in Figure Completion

Completing figures requires a holistic understanding of visual wholeness. Candidates must identify missing elements and envision how they contribute to the overall completeness of the figure.

Pattern Recognition for Completion

Recognizing patterns within a series is pivotal. Extending these patterns logically to complete figures ensures that the visual continuity is maintained.

Balancing Symmetry and Asymmetry

Achieving visual balance is essential in figure completions. Whether the figure exhibits symmetry or asymmetry, the completion should align with the established visual harmony.

Logical Sequencing in Completion

Applying sequential logic ensures that the completion follows a logical progression. This is crucial not only for visual appeal but also for maintaining the integrity of the pattern.

Strategies for Effective Figure Completions

1. Embracing Visual Intuition

Cultivate visual intuition through regular practice. The more attuned candidates are to visual completeness, the more adept they become at completing figures.

2. Analyzing Pattern Continuity

Instead of viewing figures in isolation, analyze them in terms of patterns and sequences. This analytical approach aids in predicting and completing missing elements.

3. Understanding Symmetry Dynamics

Understand the dynamics of symmetry and asymmetry within figures. Whether completing a symmetrical or asymmetrical figure, maintaining harmony is key.

4. Incorporating Sequential Logic

Develop a knack for sequential thinking. Logical sequencing ensures that completed figures are not only visually appealing but also adhere to a logical order.

Visual Wholeness in Figure Completions

Achieving Harmony through Completion

Completing figures is an art of achieving harmony and visual wholeness. It requires a keen eye for detail, an understanding of established patterns, and an intuition for maintaining symmetry or asymmetry.

Maintaining Aesthetic Continuity

Completing figures is not merely about filling in gaps; it’s about maintaining aesthetic continuity. Each added element should seamlessly blend with the existing pattern, creating a visually pleasing whole.

Striking the Right Balance

Whether dealing with symmetrical or asymmetrical figures, striking the right balance is crucial. The completion should enhance the overall balance and appeal of the figure.

The Art of Logical Sequencing

Completing figures involves the art of logical sequencing. Candidates must envision the logical progression of elements, ensuring that the completed figure adheres to a sensible order.


Mastering Figure Completions in the AFCAT-CDS 1 2024 Exam Reasoning section is a journey of visual acuity, pattern recognition, and logical sequencing. This article has explored essential concepts, problem-solving strategies, and the holistic approach necessary for effective Figure Completions. As candidates delve into their preparation, a comprehensive understanding of visual wholeness will undoubtedly contribute to their success in tackling this facet of the Reasoning section. Best of luck to all aspirants as they navigate the challenges of the AFCAT-CDS 1 2024 Exam with confidence and a keen eye for visual completeness.

Picture of Ayush Kumar

Ayush Kumar

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