AFCAT CDS NDA TA 2017 GK Indian Economy Section Sample MCQs

GK Indian Economy MCQs are very commonly asked question in any competitive exam like AFCAT, CDS, NDA Exam and other Entrance Exams. Your total score...

GK Indian Economy MCQs are very commonly asked question in any competitive exam like AFCAT, CDS, NDA Exam and other Entrance Exams. Your total score can make a big difference if you score full marks in this section.

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AFCAT CDS NDA TA 2017 GK Indian Economy Section Sample MCQs

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  • An economy is at the take off stage on its path to development when it
    a) becomes stagnant
    b) begins steady growth
    c) is liberalized
    d) gets maximum foreign aid
  • Which Indian state has the largest number of cotton textile mills?
    a) Madhya Pradesh
    b) Maharashtra
    c) Gujarat
    d) West Bengal
  • Which of the following plans aimed at the removal of poverty and attainment of selfreliance?
    a) second plan
    b) third plan
    c) fourth plan
    d) fifth plan

AFCAT CDS NDA TA 2017 GK Indian Economy Section Sample MCQs

  • Which one of the following is a Kharif crop?
    a) bajra
    b) wheat
    c) mustard
    d) barley
  • Who is known as the ‘Father of White Revolution’?
    a) V Kurien
    b) MS Swaminathan
    c) JP Narayan
    d) Baba Amte
  • Which of the following estimates the National Income in India?
    a) Central Statistical Organization
    b) National Income Committee
    c) Planning commission
    d) Reserve Bank of India
  • What does the term NSDL stands for?
    a) National Securities Development Limited
    b) National Securities Depository Limited
    c) National Safety Development Limited
    d) Natural Safety Deployment Limited
  • Which among the following treaties provided for a common currency for the member countries of European Community?
    a) Brussels Treaty
    b) Geneva Convention
    c) Maastricht Treaty
    d) Treaty of Versailles
  • Which of the following taxes is a progressive tax?
    a) income tax
    b) custom tax
    c) sales tax
    d) excise duty
  • During which Five Year Plan was the annual growth rate of National Income the
    a) second plan
    b) third plan
    c) fifth plan
    d) sixth plan
  • Which of the following programs meets the credit needs of poor women?
    a) Mahila Samriddhi Yojna
    b) Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
    c) Indira Mahila Yojna
    d) Mahila Samakhya Programme
  • What is the value of goods and services produced in a country within a year called?
    a) National income at factor cost
    b) net national output
    c) net national product at market prices
    d) gross national product at market prices
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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