The Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) Examination is conducted twice a year by the Indian Air Force to select male and female candidates for Flying and Ground Duty (Technical & Non-Technical) branches of Indian Air Force. AFCAT written exam consists of a paper containing four sections: Numerical Ability, English, Reasoning & Military Aptitude and General Awareness.
English Section in AFCAT exam includes 25 questions and a total of 75 marks with 3 marks being awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark deducted for each incorrect one. The total paper duration is of 2 hours.
AFCAT English Syllabus consists of :
- Spotting of Errors
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Vocabulary (Idioms & Phrases)
- Sentence Completion (Fill in the Blanks & Cloze Test)
- Ordering of Words & Sentences
- Comprehension
- One Word Substitution
- Spelling
Below are in detail topic-wise previous years’ Q&A analysis and a concrete study plan to cover all the important topics in AFCAT English syllabus with more than 6 months in hand:

Tips to Remember:
- Please keep a printout of this Study Plan & try to follow the schedule as strictly as possible.
- Revise and practice English grammar and vocabulary regularly.
- Follow the study materials or any notes made by you, during Revision.
- Practise Mock Test Series and various question as many as you can.
- Don’t forget to chill out and relax!