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37 Most Commonly Asked Antonyms For AFCAT 2021 -2022

Antonym constitutes one of the important sections in English (Verbal Ability) Part of the AFCAT examination. Below is a list of 37 most commonly asked questions that you can expect...

Antonym constitutes one of the important sections in English (Verbal Ability) Part of the AFCAT examination. Below is a list of 37 most commonly asked questions that you can expect from the Antonyms section for your upcoming AFACT examination, as per the last five years’ AFCAT exam trend.

  • Adroit
    • Honest
    • Adept
    • Gallant
    • Incompetent

      Ans. (d) Incompetent.

  • Vague
    • Clear
    • Faint
    • Obscure
    • Vogue

       Ans. (a) Clear.

  • Frugal
    • Miserly
    • Gluttonous
    • Plentiful
    • Extravagant

        Ans. (d) Extravagant.

  • Lucre
    • Debt
    • Elegance
    • Outlaw
    • Sissy

        Ans. (a) Debt.

  • Rabble
    • Rag
    • Nobility
    • Scanty
    • Sanction

        Ans. (b) Nobility.

  • Coterie
    • Loner
    • Socialize
    • Elite
    • Indecent

      Ans. (a) Loner.

  • Upend
    • Overbear
    • Subdue
    • Flourish
    • Lose

      Ans. (b) Subdue.

  • Turf
    • Shelter
    • Oust
    • Injure
    • Evict

      Ans. (a) Shelter.

  • Spleen
    • Caprice
    • Cheer
    • Sway
    • Boisterous

      Ans. (b) Cheer.

  • Profane
    • Sacred
    • Artless
    • Rigid
    • Aspersion

      Ans.  (a) Sacred.

  • Obligatory
    • Doubtful
    • Voluntary
    • Sincerely
    • Faithfully

      Ans. (b) Voluntary.

  • Obscure
    • Suitable
    • Apt
    • Thalamus
    • Clear

      Ans. (d) Clear.

  • Mutual
    • Reciprocal
    • Agreed
    • Common
    • Conjugal

      Ans. (b) Agreed.

  • Evident
    • Prominent
    • Seen
    • Observed
    • Quite clear

       Ans. (b) Seen.

  • Relinquish
    • Abdicate
    • Renounce
    • Deny
    • Possess

       Ans. (d) Possess.

  • Quiescent
    • Active
    • Dormant
    • Weak
    • Unconcerned

      Ans. (a) Active.

  • Flagitious
    • Innocent
    • Clever
    • Ignorant
    • Frivolous

      Ans. (a) Innocent.

  • Gregarious
    • Antisocial
    • Glorious
    • Horrendous
    • Similar

      Ans. (a) Antisocial.

  • Hirsute
    • Scaly
    • Bald
    • Erudite
    • Quite

      Ans. (b) Bald.

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  • Urbane
    • Illiterate
    • Backward
    • Discourteous
    • Orthodox

      Ans. (c) Discourteous.

  • Amending
    • Alter
    • Ameliorate
    • Better
    • Debase

       Ans. (d) Debase.

  • Entangle
    • Untwist
    • Twist
    • Hook
    • Impede

      Ans. (a) Untwist.

  • Beguile
    • Deceive
    • Honest
    • Charm
    • Cheat

      Ans. (b) Honest.

  • Ameliorate
    • Deteriorate
    • Procrastinate
    • Stagnate
    • Deviate

       Ans. (a) Deteriorate.

  • Feckless
    • Spotted
    • Fatuous
    • Strong
    • Fawning

        Ans. (c) Strong.

  • Cacophonous
    • Tamed
    • Harmonious
    • Silent
    • Domestic

        Ans. (b) Harmonious.

  • Sporadic
    • Rare
    • Frequent
    • Sharp
    • Coordinated

        Ans. (b) Frequent.

  • Exonerate
    • Reject
    • Contract
    • Accuse
    • Admit

        Ans. (c) Accuse.

  • Exodus
    • Home-coming
    • Influx
    • Restoration
    • Return

        Ans. (b) Influx.

  • Insolent
    • Sullen
    • Affable
    • Determined
    • Rich

        Ans. (b) Affable.

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  • Sceptic
    • Cryptic
    • Believer
    • Support
    • Eminent

        Ans. (b) Believer.

  • Refractory
    • Refreshing
    • Burdensome
    • Privileged
    • Manageable

         Ans. (d) Manageable.

  • Acrimonious
    • Legal
    • Severe
    • Cursive
    • Harmonious

         Ans. (d) Harmonious.

  • Clemency
    • Corporal
    • Intolerance
    • Compromise
    • Sensibility

         Ans. (b) Intolerance.

  • Cajole
    • Nestle
    • Secede
    • Bully
    • Moisten

         Ans. (c) Bully.

  • Malevolent
    • Kindly
    • Vacuous
    • Ambivalent
    • Primitive

         Ans. (a) Kindly.

  • Purgatory
    • Reward
    • Celestial
    • Flawless
    • Proximity

         Ans. (a) Reward.

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Do It Yourself Q&A

Q1) Unimpeachable

  • Fruitful
  • Rampaging
  • Faulty
  • Pensive

 Ans. (c) Faulty. Unimpeachable means trustworthy, Rampaging means to rush wildly & violently, Fruitful means effective, Pensive means thoughtful.

  Q2) Vacillation

  • Remorse
  • Relief
  • Respect
  • Steadfastness

    Ans. (d) Steadfastness. Vacillation means indecision, Remorse means deep regret for guilt committed.

       Q3) Untenable

  • Supportable
  • Tender
  • Sheepish
  • Tremulous

         Ans. (a) Supportable. Untenable means undefendable or insupportable, Tremulous means trembling.

         Q4) Unseemly

  • Effortless
  • Proper
  • Conducive
  • Pointed

            Ans. (b) Proper. Unseemly means improper behavior or action, Conducive means advantageous.

           Q5) Unkempt

  • Bombed
  • Washed
  • Neat
  • Tawdry

             Ans. (c) Neat. Unkempt means untidy, Bombed means attacked or hurried, Tawdry means showy but cheap & of poor quality.  

These were, in short, the most commonly asked questions that you can easily expect from ‘Antonyms’ Section for your upcoming AFCAT 2020 exam. Not only that, you can also follow these questions & learn the words & remember them for the other defence competitive exam preparation for Antonym section in English.  

Also Read: Most Commonly Asked Synonyms For AFCAT

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