Are Mobile Phones Allowed For Cadets At NDA IMA AFA INA?

Jai Hind future warriors today we are going to discuss the use of mobile phones in the pre-commission training academies of the three forces. Our...

Jai Hind future warriors today we are going to discuss the use of mobile phones in the pre-commission training academies of the three forces. Our answer is:

  • Smartphones are not allowed at any of the academies while training. However basic phones (without camera and memory card) are allowed at IMA only during specific time periods.
  • Candidates can avail the use of ample number of PCOs/telephones placed in the dorms to contact someone.

Reasons Phones are not Allowed at Academy:

These are not official reasons but as gathered through news and official portals:

  1. Air Force Academy released a statement regarding mobile phones saying: “It is detrimental to an extent that it can sabotage aerospace safety of the IAF, maintenance safety and above all the secrecy of a mission.” The IAF policy does not allow carriage and use of smartphones inside technical area, both at the Command HQs and at training centres, that includes flying bases
  2. A Senior Indian Navy officer said in an interview in Jan 2020: “All social networking platforms including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and other messengers from here on now will not be allowed at the naval bases and ships. Moreover no smartphones were allowed onboard ships and naval bases.” Phones were however already banned at INA but the reasons you can guess now. 
  3. At NDA: Rules don’t allow mobile phones to be kept with a cadet. Regular checks are also there by officers to ensure that nobody is keeping mobile phones with them. And if found with a phone, the cadet would get 21 restrictions. Note: A restriction is a kind of punishment, 36 restrictions means you are failing one term (relegation)
  4. At IMA, Gentleman Cadets undergo severe physical activities and also have to maintain their score in the academics/military subjects. Phones will cause a huge source of distraction for them.


Phones are not allowed due to security reasons as we discussed. Candidates are advised to stay connected to us for the latest news on various entries, tips, and strategies regarding all tasks of SSB Interview and also our courses on Defence Exams which are recommended by toppers.

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Picture of Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Maths Undergrad and Defence Aspirant, been to SSB 4 times for NDA Entry. Enjoy reading novels and playing cricket

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